An unexpected hello.

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Well hello there.

I am still trying to figure out what to write here. It's been 4 years since I started this story. Unbelievable.

After years I decided that it was time I, in a way, revive this story, since it was once very very important to me. I was very young when I wrote it, and naturally throughout the years I changed a lot. As a writer, as a reader and as a person. One of the changes also being that I actually moved to London (a bit crazy considering I wrote this story dreaming of it).

And I realised it was time I bring this story to the level it should be, since I now know so much more than I did then.

I don't intend to change much of it. But I will edit it to make it something I can be proud of today. I want to catch the mistakes, the cliche phrases everyone loved so much back into 2013 and make it better. But it will remain the same story it was.

I was reading the comment you guys left on the chapters of something I created and the feeling that came with it is unbelievable. I cannot thank you enough for reading and sharing your emotions with me.

I love you guys a lot. It's good to be back.

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