Chapter 25

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Hello, did you miss me because I certainly missed you all! I can't believe it's been 25 chapters already when did this all happen ?

The song on the side is 'They just don't know you' by Little Mix, I put it there because the lyrics kind of remind me of my story. Also it's a beautiful song so give it a try :)
Anyway I really hope you like this chapter, i love you xx

Our trip to the mall had left me curious, afraid and craving for some answers but I decided to just block it out of my mind and wait for it to be ‘safe’ for Harry to tell me. It was the best thing to do, if I had been over thinking as usual I would have gone mad for this past week.

Talking about madness it was the right word to describe my house at the moment. My parents had gone out to a late dinner last night so this morning they overslept and currently I was witnessing the interesting sight of my parents running around like crazy.

 Luckily my brother had a sleepover over his friends’ house so he would get to school in time; however you couldn’t say the same about me. I’ve been taking driving lessons for two weeks now but still couldn’t drive and apparently waiting for my dad wasn’t an option either.

I thought of calling Eleanor or Liam but they would probably be in school already, so the only option was my prince charming.

Wow, not even cheesy

Holding my phone to my ear with my shoulder I put all of my things in my bag and zipped it shut. Apparently, a lot of people out there wouldn’t mind a new wallet and I experienced that first-hand when some old woman shamelessly rummaged through my bag while I observed some cute clothes in a random store I walked in.

I waited for Harry to pick up but it never happened. Frowning, I dialed his number again and after a couple of seconds he answered.

“Hey.” He said huskily.

“Good morning.”  I greeted happily, but my happy mood went a bit down when I got no response. For seconds I thought he had hung up.

“Harry?” I called.

“Yeah?” He rasped.

“Um, is everything alright?” I asked cautiously, I could tell something was wrong by his voice.

“Yeah.” Was all I got as an answer.

After a few more seconds of silence I decided to go to the point I was calling him in the first place.

“Uh- I just called to ask if you haven’t left for school yet. I don’t have a ride so I was wondering if you could pick me up?” For some reason I stumbled over my words.

“No.” My eyes slightly widened at his blunt answer and I knew for sure something was wrong.

“O-kay…” I trailed off not knowing what to say.

“I’m just not going to school today.”


“I…” He paused and I noticed I was holding my breath, “I’m not feeling well so I’ll just stay home.”

“Damn, I’m sorry for bothering you then. I’ll visit you right after school, okay?” I instantly said, not caring about the fact that I still had to find a way to get to school.

“Um, no. No need to.” He spoke and I felt that he was distant, not physically –that too- but emotionally. His mind was elsewhere.

“Oh, okay.” I mumbled, trying to ignore the pain in my chest. It wasn’t the heartbreaking pain when I felt my heart being shattered in a million of pieces- let’s not exaggerate it was nothing like that, but it was a small pain that reminded me that he could easily break me just with words if he wanted to. I tried to push those negative thoughts away.

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