Chapter 11

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Hey my lovelies, so here's the boring filler chapter that I told you about. If it gets at least 5 votes today then I'll post the next chapter tonight (first double update yeeeey), if not then I'll update tomorrow. Hope you like it :)

(sorry for any kind of mistakes) 

“Anyone want a drink?” Dani asked us.

“Bring me a Sprite, please.” I smiled.


It was lunch time and as usual we were all sitting in the cafeteria.

“Here you go.” Dani handed me my Sprite and sat down next Liam.

“Oh my god!” Eleanor squealed.

“What is it, El?” Niall asked.

“It was Kaitlyn’s birthday yesterday, and I totally forgot about it.” She said slapping her hand on her forehead.

“Love, she’s your cousin, how could you forget ?” Louis laughed at her.

“I don’t know, I’m going to call her.” She took her phone out of the bag and dialed the number.

“Speaking of birthdays, when is yours Mel?” Liam suddenly asked, all the attention turning to me.

“I…um- well actually, it’s next Thursday.” I said looking down at my food.

“What?” I heard Eleanor half-scream. I looked up, noticing that she had already finished the call. This girl is loud.

“Yea, but let’s not make a big deal out of it, ok?” I asked hopefully, but I knew that it was useless.

For some reason I never liked to celebrate my birthday. It was way too much attention. Suddenly everyone pretends to like you and whishes you happy birthday, all of it being fake just because that’s how it works. ‘Hey I don’t even know what your name is but I’m going to pretend that we’re friends just because it’s your birthday. ‘- typical.

“Why not? It’s you birthday!” Perrie said full of excitement.

“I don’t really like to celebrate my birthday.” I confessed.

“But birthdays are fun!” Niall said sipping on his Coke.

“It’s too much attention.” I said shaking my head.

“Well since little Mel doesn’t like to celebrate, we could go clubbing on Friday. It’s not your birthday anymore,” Eleanor suggested happily.

“That should be fun. You know, just casual not-celebrating-Mel’s-birthday-clubbing.” Zayn said making everyone laugh.

“Fine.” I agreed not being in the mood to protest. Eleanor and Perrie being themselves high-fived.

I finished my food and sat waiting for the others. I turned around to take a peek on the table where Harry and his friends usually sit and frowned when I saw that he wasn’t there, but I wasn’t brave enough to ask his friends where was he.

I turned back to receive a wink from Emily, who probably caught me staring at Harry’s table.

 I haven’t seen Harry the whole day and I would be lying if I said that it didn’t bother me. But he’s a teenage boy; he probably just ditched school with his friends or something.

I pushed those thoughts out of my head as I walked in the gym, my last class for the day.

I changed into my grey shorts, a plain white t-shirt and my neon green Nikes. After putting my hair in a high ponytail I was about to leave the locker room but changed my mind; running to my bag I took out my phone and quickly texted Harry.

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