"Why is that a problem? It's none of your business."

"I just don't think he's right for you," I mumble quietly, knowing I sound completely pathetic. There is no way to explain this without blowing my cover, without telling Skylar that I want her.

"It doesn't matter anyways, I'm not interested in a relationship," she sighs again and shakes her head slightly. A sharp pain runs through me like a knife, but I get some comfort from knowing she won't be pursuing Zayn. "Anyway, we have paperwork to sign right?"

Sky rises from the step and makes her way toward the door, turning around to make sure I'm following. Her eyes are dull and I hate to think that I've broken her already in such a short time. The only thing on my mind right now is making her happy, but keeping her with me at the same time. Those two things never seemed to go hand in hand.

I follow her down the hall to Talia's desk, not really fully paying attention to the papers I have Skylar sign. I can only concentrate on her; every curve of her body, the smooth slope of her shoulders, her delicate facial features, her dark complexion, her silky hair... It's all I've thought about everyday since I met her. There has to be some way to get her to see that maybe if we tried again, it wouldn't be the same.

I meant it when I said that maybe we were never meant to start over, and I stand by it. If we were, the universe wouldn't have all this happen to us and have us end up so close. If we were meant to start over, I wouldn't be hooked on her again and so soon too.

"Is that it?" She asks, folding the file and handing it back to Talia.

"Yeah, that's it," I nod and she gives me a halfhearted smile before turning to walk away down the hall.

"Wait, Skylar," I call, jogging to catch up to her and extending my arm to catch her elbow.

Skylar's POV

His touch instantly sends tingles up my arm and I can't find the strength to pull free. I can feel myself slipping, no matter how hard I try. I never wanted any of this, I never wanted to see him again but the way things have worked out have made it just the opposite.

Slowly I turn to face him, the familiar eyes staring me down as I slowly crack.

"I want to take you to dinner tonight. I mean, as an apology," he clarifies, his voice slightly shaky.

I known it's not a good idea. I've already gotten closer to him than I ever should have, but something keeps drawing me to him. I want nothing more but to run my fingers through his hair and feel his arms around me. It's what I want, but not what I need.

Look at what has happened already since I met him again. My life is a mess and I balmed him for it, until now. Three years ago it was his fault I fell apart, but this time it's on someone else's hands; my sister's. All Harry has done is get me through it by finding me somewhere to live, letting me stay with him, getting me my dream job. It's so unlike him it nearly kills me to think that this could be who is really is.

All I know is that today, I caught a glimpse of the old Harry who would put what he wants before anyone else. I saw the familiar expression on his face, the same one he used to get before he would swing at anyone who stood in his way. He let it out to Zayn that I'm staying with him when he knew I wanted desperately to keep it outside the office. He let his weird hate for Zayn control his actions and he hurt me. I am mortified, who knows what Zayn thinks.

The only thing running through my mind is whether or not this small glimpse of the old Harry is enough for me to forget all the progress he has made.

My mind is clouded with confusion and feelings I don't understand. It has only gotten worse the longer I am staying with Harry, and I'm afraid that I will fall too deep. I cannot repeat my past.

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