Chapter 42

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I woke up in the familiar hospital setting. I knew where I was. I knew what happened. I was just focused on being out of there. I needed to heal quickly. Cameron came over to my side and kissed my forehead.

C: I'm so sorry baby.

A: it's okay. No one knew she did it the first time. And we didn't know she would do it again.

He held my hand.

C; why didn't you tell me you were pregnant again?

A: because. I wanted to wait a while. But it doesn't matter now. I'm sure it's gone again.

I was relieved actually so I wouldn't have to tell Cameron about fucking jack. Again.

C: no. It isn't. You're still pregnant. The bullet ruptured your large intestine. They fixed it. The baby is okay.

Well fuck. There goes that relieved feeling.

A: oh.

C: when you get outta here. We're going home. Back to our house. I'm not dealing with this dramatic bullshit anymore babe.

I nodded. I didn't care. I wanted to go home.

The nurse came in to check on me.

A: when can I leave?

Nurse: not for a while sweetie. A week. Maybe a week and a half.

I groaned. I fucking hate hospitals. And I fucking hate not being able to go anywhere. Or do anything. After the nurse left, a guy in a black suit came in to talk to me.

J: Hi Allie. I'm Jeff Markson with the LAPD. I just need to ask a few questions about what happened. Cause as of right now, you're looking at a 10 year sentence.

A: jail!? For what!?

J: well Alexa says you pulled a gun on her, and she shot you in self defense. She also has multiple bruises and cuts and she says you tortured her.

C: that's a lie!!!

A: she told me to follow her, so I did. And when we got to her house, she shot me! I never pulled a gun on her.

J: well as soon as you're able, we have a court date. You'll need to speak in front of a judge. I'll be coming back to check on you. Have a good evening.

Jeff left the room.

Jail time. Are you fucking serious? She lied. This is seriously fucked up. What has my life come to; I'm pregnant, again, it's probably jack's, and i may have to go to jail for 10 years.

There was a knock at the door and Jacob entered.

J: Hey allie, can i talk to you privately real quick?

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