My Accident- In Detail

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Hey guys. Now that I'm awake and I can remember more about last night, I'm going to tell you guys the story. Alright, about 8, I met up at the mall with my friends Zac, Derek and Kayla. Zac was driving, Kayla was riding shotgun, me and Derek were in the back. We were riding around, everywhere all over town. We ended up outside of town, 45 minutes away from where we live. Kayla got in the backseat, and Derek got up front next to Zac. Well, was raining, and we took a curve too fast, and slid off the road, hitting a ditch, and flipping the truck over onto its driver's side. The side I was on. My head busted out the back window. We were in a wet, muddy ditch. Kayla fell over on top of me, taking the breath out of me. Its all a blur. I don't remember anything from when it happened, I just remember screaming to get out. Zac pulled me up, and we got away from the truck.

Well later on, we had to go back to find our phones and purses and all of that. I got my phone, and my car keys, that's all. Everything else we had was lost. About 30 minutes after the wreck, a cop showed up. Well, he said he smelt alcohol on Zac and Derek. So he gave Zac a sobriety test, and he failed it. So he was put in handcuffs and put into the back of the police car. Me and Kayla went to sit with him. And he was so upset, and my heart hurts so bad for him. We all had to ride to the jail, and wait in our parents to come get us. Zac and Derek actually went to jail. Derek is getting bailed out today, Zac isn't. Zac has no family, and no one to come bail him out. It was the scariest shit, ever. And I am so lucky to be alive. Please just keep praying for all of us. We really need it.

I love you guys,


A MagCon DreamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora