It made me think about the wolf that I helped, was he part of the pack that almost killed me?

I was so close to the Castle; everybody was already inside. I was left behind because my injuries slowed me down but I let out a relieved exhale as I got nearer to the Castle.

That is when I felt the hairs behind my neck stand up causing me to stop and widen my eyes.

I sense danger.

I started to get panicked and fear was making its way towards my whole body- drowning my mind with frightful events that would possibly happen- as I try not to cower in fear. I was so near to the Castle but I am still in an isolated place like these where in the trees, plants and other animals are the only things that I can see.

I looked from side to side as my widened eyes frantically detect movements around the forest, my guard was still up, and my muscles were still tense. Then I heard a growl and that is when my body went completely frozen, it growled again but I cant seem to move, as if someone had placed an invisible barrier around me to keep me from moving.

I heard the crunch of leaves as the footsteps came closer to me and I prayed a silent prayer.

I made the mistake of looking over my shoulder, there stood a large brown wolf that was looking at me predatorily with its darkened eyes as gore formed at the sides of his mouth, that is when I felt the invisible barrier evaporate as I sprinted, not bothering about my broken ribs, bruises and other wounds, right now all I ever thought was to run away from this attacking beast. This beast is not like the other wolves, this wolf seemed more vicious, an animal that has no control, thats only main goal is to kill. To be a predator.

Not far from me I heard a ferocious growl indicating that he was nearing me and that fueled my desire to run a little bit faster, I used my hands to block the branches of the trees from hitting my face, I passed large rocks and logs that have been cut down, I could see the Castle not far from where I am and I was thankful but then I collapsed to the ground when a branch managed to tumble me down.

The pointed part of the branch made a laceration from my ankle midway towards my knee, I hissed in pain and bit my lip, and I grabbed a stick and used it as a cane to support me as I attempt to stand up, white searing pain bursted in my leg and I let out a scream which I then regretted as the wolf emerged. My face was one that was contorted in pain and extreme fear, I cannot outrun this beast, with all my injuries weighing me down and not to mention the speed of the beast in front of me.

But I am not going to die without a fight, I might die today but at least I will die fighting for my life.

The wolf circled me as if I was a deer with no way to run. My breathing was very rapid similar to the beating of my heart, I was inhaling and exhaling harsh breaths as I breathe. The beast snarled at me before he pulled back his lips revealing the set of canines that he had, sharp and pointed, like it was sharpened for killing.

I took deep breaths trying to find a way to get away from this beast, but every option that I had would not make it, in the end I would get ripped apart, without warning the wolf lunged at me and I try to dodge his sharp claws but it managed to claw my abdomen making a huge cut.

I yelped as I clutch onto my abdomen as thick red colored liquid starts to pour from the huge cut, the beast yet again snarled at me and lunged but I quickly grabbed the branch that I had used as a cane, yelled and used it a shield to protect me.

The wolf lunged on top of me but the branch was pierced into its body, it whimpered, its face was so close to mine as saliva dripped from its mouth landing on my face, I scrunched up my face before I pushed the body of the wolf on the ground before I also lay on the ground, panting and tired.

I looked up at the leaves of the trees and its branches, birds from the sky chirped and flew away, I was so tired and in so much pain that I had blacked out.

I didn't know how much time had passed; it could have been seconds, minutes and even hours may have passed when I woke up. I was still in the forest, laying on its ground as a body of a dead wolf lays next to me, I couldnt move, even after I had blacked out the pain was still there, present as ever.

I know that I will be punished if they have realized that I had took a long time to reach the Castle, so with much protest I lifted my injured and tired body from the ground. I bit my lip and clenched my jaw so much that my teeth would have been pushed back completely into my gums, I whimpered in pain as different parts of my body shot up in pain and agony.

I wanted to scream in pain, I wanted to yell but I kept those inside of me, willing myself not to attract more danger in my way.

My body feels as if it was whipped a thousand times, like it was cut countless of times, it was like the wounds that have been sealed are being ripped open again. I was soaked in so much blood that I was shocked I didnt die from blood loss, the large cut on my abdomen, the cut from my ankle up until the midway towards my knees, the wound on my head and the numerous cuts from my falls.

With an injured body, I made my way towards the Castle yet again and this time hoping that I would reach it safe and sound.

When I reached my secret passage I used it as my way inside the Castle, so that I wont bother staining the floor of the Castle, before I was to enter my room I went to the ballroom and took a peek on what was currently happening on the celebration.

When I fell from the cliff, it had hurt, it brought pain to me, to my body, but what pained me more was the sight that I am seeing. They were cutting the cake, a collective greeting of 'Happy Birthday' was once again sang, once the cake was cut, the King took a piece and placed it on a ceramic plate, took a fork and fed the cake to Lady Amanda.

Lady Amanda smiled at him before she then also returned the action as she fed him a piece of cake, that gesture was also seen in wedding ceremonies, and they had acted as if they were newlyweds, and that had brought me such torment; the pain and hurt that I feel seems as if I couldnt digest what had happened, as if I am wishing that this was just a dream, a nightmare that is.

I shook my head as I placed my hand to cover my mouth, to hide my quivering lips, to hide the pain, but then again, who would even notice? Once I reached my room, I quickly removed the dress.

Luckily no one saw me, I think they are still in the ballroom and most of the guards must be guarding the ballroom since the celebration was still ongoing. I was still dirty, I smelt of blood and grime. I sighed and went to the closest bathroom and went inside then closed the door after making sure that no one has seen me.

I took a cold bath since there was no warm water in this part of the Castle; I carefully cleaned my body, dodging my cuts as I winced in pain every now and then. After 20 minutes or so, I got all the mud, dirt and dried blood out of my body, now the cuts and bruises are clearer, the cut on my abdomen was the largest and deepest, next was the cut on my leg, the others were not major cuts but it still hurts, the cut on my head was in need of stitches and so do the cuts on my leg and abdomen.

I placed a cloth inside my mouth as I bit on it and prepared the needle and thread. I mentally counted to three before I pierced the needle through my skin; my screams were muffled by the cloth as I stitch up my cuts, my hands shook every time I pierced the needle through my skin as I stitch up the cuts, I desperately tried not to cry as beads of sweat were forming and dropping from my forehead.

Every pierce that went through my skin, each time the needle would pass through my skin along with the thread was pure agony, it was like my flesh was being ripped open. I took deep breaths and tried to direct my attention from the pain.

After I had managed to stitch up every cut that I had including the one in my head, I went to my room and fell asleep, todays events were now a memory that will keep haunting me like a nightmare as I live on with my life, the memory of me being chased and ripped apart, piece by piece until nothing was left of my body.

There, another chapter done.

I just want to thank all those people who have been loyal till the end and for those who have voted for the chapters😊😊

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