Chapter 19

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***Harry’s P.O.V***

I panicked as I saw Avery hit the floor. What was going on? Did she just have a panic attack? Getting on my knees, I knelt at her side and grabbed her hands. She was out cold. I needed to get her help, quickly.  In a flash, I grabbed my phone and rang for an ambulance. I know I could just run and grab a teacher but this school is fucking useless. It’s better if I just call an ambulance. She had to be okay, she had to be. I know I’ve only known her all of 5 minutes but there was something there, since I set my eyes on her in the corridor.

Once I knew an ambulance was on its way, I placed her head on my lap, stroking her hair. “It’s going to be okay Ave; it’s going to be okay. I’m not going to leave your side. I’ll make sure you’re be okay.”  I kept repeating myself. I knew she probably couldn’t hear me but I felt that if I kept saying it, she would know somehow.

Flashing lights flashed through the window followed by the sounds of sirens. They had finally arrived. I bent down and kissed her on the head. “Help has arrived Avery, I’m just going to lead them here. I’ll come straight back. I promise.” Gently placing her head on the floor, I sprinted outside to find the ambulance crew. “This way!” I screamed. Its amazing how many students become so fascinated by flashing lights and loud noise but the teachers screamed at them all to go back into there lessons.

Barging through the crowd again, I ran back to Avery. I didn’t want to leave her. “How long has she been like this?” The ambulance lady asked me. “About f-f-five minutes” I stumbled out my words. I was so scared something would happen to her. I’ve known her 10 seconds and I’m already scared to lose her. What the fuck is up with me?

Trembling, I followed the women to the ambulance as she pushed Avery on the gurney. Once she loaded Avery onto the ambulance, I jumped into the back. She was so pale, so lifeless. I hated it. “Are you related to Avery? If not then I must ask you to leave.” I stared at the women. I can’t leave her. “Umm … yes I’m her brother.” The women nodded as the ambulance made its way to the hospital. Guilt ate away at me. This was my entire fault. As soon as I mentioned her parents it all happened. Why did she go like this? Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw oxygen being pumped into Avery. This is horrible.

10 minutes later, we arrived at the hospital. She was rushed off into hospital, leaving me running behind her trying to catch up. She piled through two big doors. As I tried to follow, I was stopped by a nurse. I shouted at the nurse “What are you doing? Get your hands off me; I need to be with Avery.” She took her hands off me and glared. “Excuse me sir, but you need to calm down right now. She needs to be assessed first so you’re going to have to wait. I will let you know when you can go and see her.” I huffed, stepping back from the nurse. “Fine. I need to go get my car, I left it in school. If I give you my number, can you call me if there are any updates? I’ll get my car and come straight back.” I looked at the nurse edgily waiting for an answer. “Yes sir, that’s fine.” Running over to the reception, I picked up a pen and wrote my number down. Speedily, I ran outside and called a taxi, I had to get there and back quickly. I wanted to see Avery; I needed to make sure Avery was okay. 

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