Interview with sinmagsc

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1. What inspired you to write?
I remember when I was about 5 I found this computer game that let me write stories and edit these pictures into them and seeing as I was so young I loved the pretty pictures! That's how I started off, and then I guess I didn't stop because I felt as though my imagination was too big to keep it in my head and I started to realise that I was better at writing than most other eople hage by the amount of competitions I was winning. I'd get inspiration to write from just about anything! It might be a song or a character idea that I love and have to make my own!  

2. What's your favorite thing about writing?
My favourite thing about writing is knowing I can be anyone I want to be and I can escape real life whenever I want, all I have to do is turn on y computer or pick up a pen! It feels as if I'm in a comle tely different world when I'm writing and that's what I love about it :)  

3. What's your least favorite thing about writing? (Writersblock not included)
Em, well writers block is the main thing I dislike about writing, but other than hate I sometimes hate when I'm finished my writing session and I'm back in the real world and I realise that my story isn't real. It sounds crazy but when I write it's all so real and a lot of the time I prefer the lives of my characters to my own, so it's that feeling when I'm m hagain that I dislike about writing.

4. If you could have one of your characters becom han actual person, who would it be and why?
If I could pick any character to be real it would probably be Ronnie. I know most eople hwould pick one of the guys cos they're all super hot and nice but I think Ronnie would be such a good friend to have and I'd want to be a better friend to her than Effy is!  

5. Which character of yours is your favorite and why?
My favourite character is Ace from What I Did In The Back Of His Car. He's just so funny and means well and he's loads of fun to write. He tries to be a nice person and I think the world would be better if we had a little Ace in our lives:)  

6. What's your favorite thing about wattpad?
My favourite hung about wattpad is that it's preparation for re real writing industry. It's interesting to hear other eople s opinions about my stories and to interact with fans.

  7. What's your wattpad pet peeve?
Theres nothing that annoys me other than writers block! I guess when it comes to wattpad it annoys me when people have read my story and haven't left a comment.. It's only polite and helpful to give your opinion! :)  

8. Which character of yours is the most like you?
I suppose the most like me would be Daisy Hart in the American Sweetheart but I couldn't tell you why! A lot of her traits are similar to my own, but I do put a bit of myself in everyone.  

9. Do you listen to music when you write? If so, who do you listen to?
I had to listen to Taylor Swift because I thought her songs were the most inspirational, but then I realised I was starting to were her lyrics! Now I prefer silence, it's not like I even notice cos I'm so in my own world!

10. What are some writing tips you can give the readers?
Don't change your style to suit otter peopl, write what you love and what god like to read yourself. However, make sure you read back over your stuff before uploading! It's so annoying reading error after error haha :)

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