Interview with Dayoldblues

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Me: Hi! =D
It's me again, and I was wondering if I could do an interview with ya! =D
If your busy, or you simply don't want to, then it's okay but if you could that would be awesome!

Dayoldblues: I'd love to!! :D thanks :) just send me questions whenever there ready :) if you want my email address it's, ___________________

Me: Okay. First question is what made you join wattpad and why?

Dayoldblues: Well I started writing a long time before I ever discovered it, and when I did stumble upon it, I was amazed at how many stories I could just read for free. It also made me want to pick up writing again, and actually share my work with people, because wattpad is the only place my work is seen. Not even my friends or family know I write :)

Me: How old have you been writing?

DayoldBlues: I started writing probably when I was around 10, although that wasn't real writing. I got into writing proper stories when I started Wattpad when I was 15, so I've been writing for about 2 years :)

Me: What inspired you to start writing?

Dayoldblues: I suppose I used to just get creative flares and wanted to write it down... I started very young so I can't really rememeber. I know now tht it's music and film that inspires me most :)

Me: Would you publish any one of your books? If so which one?

Dayoldblues: I don't think any of them are good enough and I genuinely wouldn't be happy having them publiushed at such a bad standard. If I did have to pick one, it would be Casse. That would be the one I'd work the hardest on :)

Me: How'd you find wattpad and what made you join it?

Dayoldblues: I just googled online e-books :) And you already asked why I joined it xD

Me: Oh my bad. xp
What's your favorite book and/or author?

Dayoldblues: ;)
On wattpad... my favorite author is either hmmcghee or kirsty1000, and I love all theri books.
My favorite published book would be anything by L. smith. I love the Vampire diaries and the Secret circle series. I also love her night world series as well :)

Me: Which one of your character are you most like and why?

Dayoldblues: Thats a hard'un. i don't think I'm like any of them really... Im not like Lana, she's quite weak, and I'm not like Cassie at all, I wouldn't react the ways she did. Celine is probably the furthest character from me - way too kind,... Destiny Connors may well be more suited to me if her character wasn't so moulded around being a mum...And I am probably most like Estelle. I'm quite headstrong like she is... I'm probably everything she is but intensified! :)

Me: Your currently writing 4 stories, Dying to Live, Too Early to Say Goodnight, The Taking of Destiny Connors, and The Time Runners. How do you manage to update regularly?

Dayoldblues: I don't!! Hahah! The Time Runners is on hold, I've not been adding to it for months, and I'm not really sure if I'll ever finish it. Too Early is very nearly finished, maybe two more chapters. I tend to just sit and write a chapter when I get a flare of imagination, and its mostly at the weekends if i'm not too busy. I do find it hard to make time especially during exam periods, but I try! :D

Me: What do like better, 3rd person or 1st?

Dayoldblues: I think 3rd is definitely more professional :) I find it easier to get lost in a 3rd person story for some reason like you're watching a film.
Imagine watching a film through the eyes of a character, compared to the way we watch them now, from the sidelines looking on. 3rd is definitely more fitting :)

Me: Would you ever try writing in second person?

Dayoldblues: Nope, It would be very hard!! And I don't think it reads well, I don't think people enjoy it very much :)

Me: Last question: What are some writing tips you can give me?

Dayoldblues: Dont force it, always just let it flow naturally. Imagine yourself in your characters shoes. WRITE A PLAN!! haha, that really helps :) And only do it if you enjoy it, if you don't, it shows in your writing :)

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