19 || What?

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(Your POV)

     After what had happened, you cleaned yourself up and turned a blind eye to what had just occurred so you could sleep. Knowing that you wouldn't be able to forget the dream anytime soon because of the aftermath of it, you didn't care about not writing anything down from the dream.


     The next few days had been similar to the previous ones, all stormy and gloomy. Having to carry an umbrella to school everyday and back.

     Friday had finally rolled around and it was early morning. You had packed the night before so you could make sure you had everything you would need, even if you'd only be gone for a few days.

     You had already set off in the rain that was currently pouring from the sky, carrying an opened umbrella over top your head in one hand and your bag in the other.

     The train station wasn't very busy due to the time, it was way before people would be heading off to school and work. Waiting for your train, you sat down on a bench whilst listening to the woman that was talking over the intercom at the station.

     Eventually, your train was announced, stating the destination of the train and how long the ride would be. Thankfully you had brought your earphones and a portable charger with you. Stepping onto the train, you found a seat and sat down, putting your bags beside you.

     As you waited for the long train ride to begin, you popped in your earphones and plugged them into your phone. Opening your music app, your thumb landed over the shuffle button. Immediately as you pressed it, music flowed into your ears at a medium volume. You laid your head back on to the seat and closed your eyes, slipping into your thoughts.

     It had seemed that over the last few days, Yachi would invite you to eat with her during lunch and maybe one or more of the boys would end up coming along, or they'd even just hanging out with you after school for a little.

     Over all, the relationships between the characters and yourself kept progressing and becoming better.

     It seemed that you had the best relationships with the first and second years. But that made sense due to you ending up being a first year. So it wasn't like you had all much opportunities to talk to the third years unless you went to watch their practice.

     Talking to a character from another school was difficult unless you had some type of connection, such as becoming a manger, or just finding them on accident. Stalking them wouldn't be a good thing so you had decided to stay away from that.

     You had looked down at your phone, seeing that it had only been around thirty minutes, causing you to mentally groan. The time it was usually take to get to Tokyo from Sendai would be around five hours, but because the train had to make so many stops in between for pick ups, it would add another hour or a little over that to the ride.

     "Wow this is going to be a long and boring start to my day..."

     As you kept thinking, something came to your mind.

     I wonder if they have anime in this world?...

     Suddenly, the urge to check on your phone appeared. You picked it up off of your lap and unlocked it, going to the most convenient search engine at hand and typed in "anime". To no surprise, it existed in this world also.

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