04 || Questions and Concerns

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(Your POV)

     You sat through a class which had lasted an hour long. Basically, you weren't really paying attention throughout the whole class because of your situation. Although, you did zone into the lesson at one point and realized you all were being taught something you had already learned and understood.

     Lucky you right?

     You had managed to scribble down some equations on your paper and ended up getting called on. You were addressed by your correct name, which surprised you. You had to go up to the front of the class and write down your answer on the board.

     You did as you were asked and actually answered it correctly. Though, you felt awkward the whole time you were up in front of the class. So when you were told you could go sit down, you were overjoyed because you were free to not be in the eyes of everyone once again.

     For the rest of the time being, you actually decided to zone into Yachi who was a few seats ahead of yourself.

     God, I hope she doesn't notice me staring at her. That would be too awkward to have to deal with. She would probably just freeze up and run away from me. I don't want that...

     What to do... Maybe I could try talking to her? Oh yeah, I just remembered. She has really nice and neat notes. I could ask her to tutor me or something? I think that would work.

     I'd really like to befriend her... Shit I just remembered. If I try to become a manager for the volleyball team, what will happen to her? I will mess up the whole plot! Oh god...

     As you kept on thinking, you felt yourself becoming really nauseous.

     Oh god I may throw up...

     You ended up laying your head on your desk and holding your stomach to try and help your body in anyway possible.

     Luckily, the bell had rang and there was a small break time before the supposed last class of the day. You sat for a minute or two and decided to let yourself regather your thoughts and consciousness. After that, you slowly lifted your head and looked to see if Yachi was still in her desk. Thankfully, she was. You slowly stood up and walked to her desk, thinking over your plan to talk to her.

     You stood awkwardly beside Yachi and turned to look down at her small figure. She looked up at you and gave an awkward smile.

     "Um hi Yachi... I didn't quite understand a certain part in class and I was wondering if you would be able to tutor me. I noticed you have really nice notes so I thought you would be a good teacher..."

     You mumbled out shyly, hoping that she wouldn't try to run away or think you're weird.

     "Oh um, sure (L/N). I-I guess if you really need it. When are you free?"

     She stuttered out shyly to you, just like you had done to her. She was rubbing the back of her neck whilst she was talking.

     She's so adorable...

     You thought to yourself, contemplating why you've been blessed like this.

     "Oh really! Great! Could we do something tomorrow? I can't make today because umm, I have something. But only if tomorrow works for you also!"

     You blurted out excitedly. She seemed a little overwhelmed from your outburst which made you feel bad.

     "Oh! Um, yeah... That works fine."

     "Thank you! I'll treat you to something after we finish!

     You exclaimed and then walked back to your desk so she couldn't decline the offer. She seemed troubled that you were going to treat her but she deserved it. You sat back down and waited for the bell to go to signal the start of your last lesson. Once it went, you dug out what ever text book you would need for the class and started to listen.

     The bell had rung and you zoomed out of the class room because you had obvious things you had needed to do. Though weren't paying attention to where you were going and you ended up bumping into someone.

     "Oh gosh I'm so sorry!"

     You exclaimed and the person let out a groan. You looked up and saw a person with a blur of orange hair.

     "No I couldn't have bumped into...."

     You started whispering to yourself and then the person looked up. Yep. It was him. Hinata Shouyou.

     "S-sorry! It was my fault! I have to go! Bye!"

     He yelled out and then ran in a hurry.

     "Oh god... That was a bad first impression... He probably had to go to volleyball practice."

     You mumbled and continued to sit on the ground because you hadn't bothered to pick yourself up. 

     "Dumbass Hinata, he didn't even bother to pick her up..."

     A voice spoke behind you and you looked up. Raven black hair and dark blue eyes. Kageyama Tobio. He walked past you and also, left you on the ground.

     "Don't make a comment like that and then just leave me..."

     You groaned and then picked yourself up from the ground. You had to go look at the address that was on your phone. So that was what you were going to do.

     You went back to running to the shoe lockers and found your locker after quickly scanning the names on most of them. After you had changed your shoes, you clicked on the maps app on your phone and entered the address.

     As soon as you had located the place, you were on your way.

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