Ch.1-new temp(tress)

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My name is Shawn Corey Carter, I am a business man, I own a few company's, but I work at the center, and most important of them all, Degrum inc.

Company's like mine are very quick, you barely have a second to realize what just happened, this world is only for certain people who can keep up, and that's why we have so many useless and, or terrible assistants and temps coming in and out of here, I really need a good one to keep for a change.

Only problem with that is, I'm a married man, I can't just have woman walking in and out of or around my office without not only my wife, but people in the office as well suspicious of it all. Yes, woman throw themselves at me all the time and time after time I turn them down, but it doesn't matter what I do, it maters what everybody else wants to believe, so I have to play smart.

Why would I jeopardize my job when I can do the same thing at home with a wife I love?



Shawn's P.O.V

My alarm clock went off at 6:00 a.m screaming a loud cacophony in my ear waking me up for work.

Rolling out of bed groggy, I trudged to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, then took a shower. After, I threw on some slacks, a shirt, and some shoes. As always, I sprayed the cologne I wore every day on myself before leaving the bathroom.

Tiptoeing into my bedroom over to my wife's side of the bed,

"Lauren, I'm goin to work baby." I whispered in her ear.

"Bye." she mumbled.

Leaning down I attempted to give her a kiss but she rolled over in bed giving me a mouthful of blankets.

I sighed before heading downstairs, grabbing my brief case, and leaving for work.

*At Degrum inc.*

The elevator doors we're closing right as somebody stuck their hand in the gap and stepped in, it was my boy Trent.

"Hey what's up man." I asked giving him dap.

"Nuthin much, you?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"Heard you gettin a new temp today, seen her yet?" Trent asked.

"Her?" I repeated confused.

"Yeah, and everybody sayin she fine as hell man! Yo girl Lauren better watch out she got some mad competition."

"Nah man ain't nobody better than my wife, she ain't got nothin to worry bout."

"Aight man, whatever you say." Trent shrugged.

The elevator stopped on the fith floor and we exited. As I was walking around a corner I suddenly bumped into somebody making them drop all their stuff.

"Oh my bad let me help you." I said crouching picking up the remainder of their papers.

"Thanks, I'm Beyoncé, the new temp for Mr.Carter, do you possibly know him?" she asked.

"Ofcoarse, I see him in the mirror everyday."

"Nice to meet you then." She smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, here are your papers, sorry about that and follow me."

Talk about being wrong, yes... I am indeed wrong, she is very attractive, maybe even tempting, but it is never hard to remind myself I own a business I would not like to lose along with my wife.

So wrong yet right {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now