Chapter 128

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Chapter 128

Caitlyn's POV

*One Month Later*

I've been back in school for a few days now and it definitely feels different now that I have a kid. I wake up, take care of Elijah, go to school, come home and take care of Elijah some more. Derek doesn't talk to me, he just kind of stares at me from across the hall. He hasn't made any efforts to come see Elijah, but I just got my first child support check so at least he's coming through with that.

"Caitlyn! Door!" My mom called. I got up from where I was doing homework and came downstairs. I opened the door to see Derek standing on my porch.

"Get the fuck off my property."

"Have you made a decision whether or not you're going to give Elijah my last name?"


"No you haven't made a decision or no-"

"No. You don't deserve to have your name passed on."

"Come on Caitlyn! He's my kid!"

"Then how come you haven't asked me once if you could see him? How come the only reasons you come over here are to get laid, because your mom forced you here or your being a fucking baby? You're an adult Derek, fucking act like it! I feel bad for Elijah that he even has to share your genes, but luckily it looks like he got more of my side than yours. Maybe if you start stepping up and actually being a father. Maybe buy him things that he needs, or play with him or for God's sake hold him!"

"A lot of my paycheck goes to fucking child support!"

"Wow, you are doing the bare minimum that the law requires as a parent. Good for you. While I'm over here up all hours of the night taking care of him, and then I'm up early to take care of him, then I go to school and then, guess what, I'm taking care of him again. I'm also going to have to get a job soon to support the two of us so that's another thing that I have to deal with because you are such an asshole! Now get off of my fucking porch!" I slammed the door, making the house rattle from the force. I took a deep breath to try to calm down, that calmness quickly replaced by the sounds of Elijah's wailing.

"Fuck." I sighed, heading back upstairs to take care of him. I love my son, but God why does his father have to be so stupid?



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