The Vow (short story)

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During these thirty days of their life together, never once she complained about her duty as his wife. She must be overwhelmed by the fact that she had to work in the morning and continued to work after she got home. She wasn't just a worker, she was a CEO and he knew that her job was hundred times heavier than ordinary employee, he knew that for a fact because he had the same job as her and whenever he got home all he wanted to do was relaxing.

She glared for sure, he knew that it was her habit, to just glare at him whenever she could, but she always smiled after. She cooked for him, she took care of him, she made sure that he was happy, that he would come home to a spotless house. It was far from spotless though, she was an amateur cleaner but he kept it to himself. He was satisfied enough to see her suffer.

She wouldn't do those tasks with smile unless she loved him....

He remembered two days ago, she came home late and didn't have time to cook dinner for him. She apologised and rushed to the kitchen and quickly prepare something for him that she accidently cut herself.
His eyes darted to her left hand and saw a bandage wrapped her index finger. He could easily help her, or tell her to order a pizza, or take her out for a nice dinner but he didn't. He just sat there watching her frantically preparing her meal with no remorse whatsoever.

His breath was shaky.  He was so mean to her and he was ashamed of it. He pushed her hair away from her face so carefully, trying not to wake her up.

She was stunning....

Again he thought. He had never met anyone as beautiful as her. And she was smart, confident, independent woman. She possessed all the quality that a man could ask for and she ticked all the box that Stefan wanted in a woman.

He was lucky to have her.

She was perfect and he had treated her like shit....

He froze.

She could be a witch, she could do all the dirty trick that she pulled at him but never for once she wanted him to suffer. She took care of him, she made sure that no one knew how deep he had fallen. She let him keep his position like nothing happen. She could send him to jail and bankrupt his company in a simple phone call. After all she wasn't the one starting it, it was his head of researcher, the traitor who betrayed him on the first place. His wife was simply using the opportunity for her advantage and now since he knew the reason behind it, he couldn't deny that he actually liked her plan and he thought it was genius.  He hated her grandpa, that old man was a disgrace and when he found out about her plan, Stefan secretly supported her.

He liked her plan but how in the hell he tortured her for it?

He touched her rosy cheek. She was cold, again she shivered and a short grumble came out from those moist lips of hers.

He took the aircon's remote control from the coffee table and switched it off. She must turn it on when she clean, but now it became too cold for her.

He looked around looking for the thin blanket that she used to wear when she watched tv, but he couldn't find it anywhere. She must throw it in the laundry basket.

Again he stared at her gorgeous face and again he remembered the vow. For god sake, what had he done?
Stefan pressed his lips tightly, unimpressed with himself. How could he be so stupid? He cursed.

Carefully he slide his right arm behind her head and his left arm underneath her knees and with one light move he stood up, cradling her in his arms. She grunted but her eyes stayed close. Her head moved sideways and her cheek pressed against his chest.

"Stefan..." she whispered.

He stopped moving. "Yes?" he replied hesitantly.

What would she say if she found out that he was about to carry her into their bedroom? What would she do? Laugh at him? Yell? Or maybe accused him that he was about to do something bad to her?

Afterall, they never consummate their marriage....

He gulped, too scared to look at her face.

But she didn't open her eyes. Her right hand that was at first rested on her tummy went up, clutching his shirt. "I am sorry..." she said again softly.

Sorry for what? Stefan frowned. He was waiting for her to continue her sleep talking but she went quiet. Suppressing his curiousness he started to walk toward his bedroom upstairs.

Carefully he placed her down on the bed, taking off her shoes and apron ever so gently and dropped them on the floor.

She moved again once her body recognised the bed. Adjusting her position she curled. She always curled when she sleep.

Stefan smiled.

He picked up the blanket and ready to cover her but somehow he stopped. Suddenly he wanted to lay with her. He wanted to hold her, caressed her hair and eased her pain.....

The pain that he had caused her, he knew she was in pain. She often cried when she thought that Stefan had fallen asleep. She must be exhausted and overwhelmed by the amount of work that she had to do on top of her normal job as a CEO of her company.
She was a CEO out there, leading hundreds of people but at home she was nobody and Stefan had made sure of that. He had successfully wounded her dignity, it was his brilliant plan to bring the witch to her knees. He knew, no matter how strong a woman can be, when she didn't get any appreciation and attention, she would fall eventually and he was waiting for that eagerly.

Now he was disgusted by his own plan.

Without hesitating anymore Stefan slowly laid himself next to her, scooping her inside his strong arms and buried his face into her hair. He cried silently. Regretting every step he made to torture her.

He just realised that she made him happy. She was the only reason for him go home on time every night. Her gorgeous smile was the only thing he wanted to see every morning when he opened his eyes.

She was the only reason for him to do better everyday. He wanted to tell her very smart move he made to win a tender just so he could listen to her praise, because her approval was his drug.

His chest moved, following the rhythm of his heavy breathing. Her warm body made him grasp the fact that even though it was only a month living with his wife, he already thought that he couldn't live without her.

He tightened his arms around her petit body. The guilt flooded his heart and he couldn't stop his sobs.

Her slim body next to his, warming up his skin. Her silky hair covering his face, her curves against his hands, her long neck, her scent, even her breathing...
He was so into her and he wished he could see her gorgeous brown eyes that starred innocently at him. 
He was addicted to her!

He loved her, oh my god! He loved her!

He stopped crying when his mind pointed it out. He loved his wife, didn't matter what she thought about him, but he knew how he felt about her, he knew it and he didn't care anymore.

He took a few deep breaths. Gently he pulled her body closer to him and he sighed contently.  Suddenly his mind was clear, he knew what he wanted in his life.

When he woke up he would spend the rest of his life paying his debts to her and trying to win her heart. He would make her the happiest wife on earth, he would spoil her like crazy and he would be the best he could that she would always be proud of him.

He closed his eyes and his lips now twitched up. He made a promise to himself, he would cherish her and love her till death do them part

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