I also smile warmly at Ian, while also taking notice in how his dark eyes roam my body briefly before giving me a curt nod. He is definitely unmated, and I feel Maverick slide his arm possessively around my waist, tugging me closer to his side. Ian looks away and towards the papers he is holding in his hand.

Joy is the first to speak up, breaking the awkward tension caused by Maverick and Ian. 

"It's so lovely to finally meet you. You are much more beautiful than what Alpha described." Her bubbly personality makes me like her even more. Based upon her stature, she seems a bit older than me. I also can't help but to notice how much her son looks like her. It is incredible, to say the least.

I step forward and envelope her in a hug. "Thank you. It's nice to meet you, Joy."  She is stiff at first, but then, gives in and hugs me back.

Maverick's Gamma, or Ian, speaks up next. "Alpha, we've been getting many emails and inquiries about allying with neighboring packs. The Dracs have become a greater threat around the area."

Maverick nods and takes the papers out of Ian's hands forcefully. As he reads them over, Joy rushes over towards me.

"Why don't we let the boys here discuss business and get you situated in your room." Her dainty hand lightly grabs my arm and leads me in the direction of the back door. We exit, and I notice a fairly large house placed further back. A large field separates the pack-house and this other house.

"Wait... why aren't we staying in the pack-house? Isn't that where the Alpha and Luna usually stay?" I question Joy as we begin to walk on a little path, leading up to the cute, dark mahogany home.

She smiles softly. "Well, once Maverick became our Alpha, he requested having the home behind the pack-house, but you are always welcome into the pack-house whenever. Vander, Duke and I have our own section within the house. You're always invited to come visit us!"

If most everyone in this pack is this friendly, than I know I'm going to love it here. Joy literally embodies the whole meaning of her name. I know we will be dear friends. Of course, she could never replace Kaia, but it is nice to have someone to rely on in this pack.

"So, I'm guessing after Maverick's dad stepped down, he became Alpha?"

Joy's smile falters slightly.. "Uh well, our Alpha died and Maverick was our Beta, so he was first in line for the Alpha title. He's not really Alpha blood, but since our Alpha had no offspring, he was next in line."

I furrow my eyebrows. Their Alpha died? That's fishy. "Oh," is all I replied. What else am I supposed to say to that? I'm not quite on the level for her to dish out all the latest gossip of their pack yet. 

Once we step into the furnished and cozy home, Joy leads me up to a room--my room according to her--which is 'conveniently' placed across Maverick's bedroom. I'm happy to see I have my own small bathroom, and all my bags are set in the room, waiting for me to unpack.

Joy says 'goodbye' after a few minutes of showing me around.

After she leaves, I make my way into the kitchen to find some snacks. I'm starving. 

Once I find some cheddar-flavored chips and apple juice, I make my way back up to my room to finish unpacking. Before approaching my room, I turn and look at Maverick's bedroom door. It is the one room that Joy didn't show me earlier, which I find quite bizarre.

Then again, she could be waiting for Maverick to introduce that room to me...if you know what I mean. 

After arguing with myself whether or not to just take a peek, I decide to just open the door. 

Well, what's he got to hide? Might as well see how his bedroom looks compared to mine.

As I open the door wider, the first thing I notice is that his bed is exactly the same as mine, except the comforter has a large 'M' on it. I then take in the darker furniture, and how the shades are completely black. The only light in the room is slipping out from the hallway. 

 I walk further in, setting down my chips and juice on the table near the entrance and begin to open up random drawers. Realizing I'm only finding clothes and office papers, I laugh to myself.

Was I really snooping in my mate's room?

Why am I such a weirdo?

I decide to check his large bookshelf for any good books. After combing through many classic novels and literature, something catches my eye: a gold-binded book nestled up onto the top shelf. Raising myself on my tiptoes, I'm able to snatch the book out of its place causing a couple books to shift.

I turn the book around in my hands. The cover has the same cursive 'M' on it like his comforter. I assume it must be a journal of Maverick's...what else would it be?

Should I really be looking at this?

Eh, why not?!

I flip through the pages to find drawings. Not just any drawings, but drawings of dark and murderous looking things.

What the hell is going through my mate's head?

Just as I'm flipping through the beautifully drawn yet frightening pictures, I come across a letter. A letter addressed to someone named Millie.

Who's Millie?


Hey y'all!

So sorry about not updating. I've had a LOT of crazy stuff go on. Like hella crazy and yeah, so it's been hard to find time to really write... but anyways, I hope you like this chapter.

Also, what do you think of the new characters? Especially Joy and Duke? Duke was actually inspired by a dear past friend of mine... he was always so charming and lovable, and I feel like this is how Duke's character in the story will be like.

Please Vote and Comment!

Much love <3
~Madelyn Joy

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