Shattered- Chapter forty seven

Start from the beginning

He looked at me as if to say 'seriously?', "You remember that?"

I nodded and he sighed, "Jessie, I don't want to show you. Maybe sometime but not now."

I pouted, "But you said that last time."

He opened his mouth to say something but a loud banging prevented him from doing so. I thought Brandon already left. We shared a look but his expression changed when the person yelled, "Andrew, open this damn door right now!"

It was a man. He kept trying to open the door but it was locked...when did he lock it? Why did he lock it?

"Shoot," he mumbled. I probably wasn't supposed to hear but I did anyways. He looked at me, "Go in the bathroom."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What why?"

"Jessie lock the door and don't come out. No matter what you hear, do not come out," he said rather slowly.

I took it from him, "But why? And why are you whispering?"

The banging continued. "Jessie now," he whispered with an edge in his voice.

I did as he told me...I went in the bathroom. I know I was supposed to lock the door but my curiousity got ahold of me, so I closed the door and opened it ever so slightly so I could peep at what they were doing.

I saw Andrew take a deep breath before opening the door. A tall man with blonde and shaggy hair cane into view. He had blue eyes and he easily towered over Andrew. He had a scruffy beard and I cringed at the sight of him. He looked so untidy.

"Dad, why are you here?!"

My eyes went wide as I heard what Andrew called the man. Well I guess that explains the resemblance.

"That's no way to speak to your father, son!" His large hand made contact with Andrew's face and he lost his balance, falling to the ground.

"Where is that filthy bastard you call your mother?!"

"Why would I tell you that?" Though injured, Andrew's tone was harsh nonetheless.

That earned him a kick in rib and I winced. I looked away for a moment not wanting to see his pain. His father continuously puched his face as Andrew held his hands in front of his face, trying to block the lashes.

He continuously yelled, " I won't stop until you tell me where your fucking mother is! I heard she got a new man! I'm her husband! Me!"

"She left you," Andrew coughed up blood and I know I wasn't supposed to and I know he'd be really upset with me but I ran out of the bathroom.

"Stop it, you'll kill him!"

I kneeled down next to Andrew and held his face, looking at his injuries. "Jessie go back in the bathroom."

His eye was half closed, it would swell by morning, his nose had blood running out of it and his mouth was covered in blood.

His father looked at me and smiled sinisterly, his yellow teeth showing, "No no, stay."

I could smell the alcohol from his breath and I scrunched up my nose. "So which one are you? Are you a new slut or old?" His laughter boomed throughout the room.

"I'm his girlfriend," I glared at him but he seemed unfazed.

The man held his stomach as his laughter erupted from his lips. "Another one? Stop trying man. First Amanda then Hailey, now her."

He pointed at me. I didn't know he was with Amanda.


I glanced at him and I could tell he was angry. I pursed my lips.

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