Chapter 49- I'm Ok

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Jacks POV

I shook, walking onto the little stage, standing behind the podium. I looked into the audience and sighed. I could have never imagined this. Where I would usually see a sea of happy bouncy people, was barely full of sad, sobbing individuals.

I looked down to my shaky hands, barley able to read my flash cards. I gulped looking back up.
"Jade... Jade was a beautiful young lady, with a beautiful soul. To many she will be mi-" I became angry at the scribbled words I had written.

"Nope, to hell with the flash cards." I said earning a couple gasps, and Mark to start walking toward me.
"No babe, I'm- I'm fine." I said turning to him.
"Jade saved my life." I began, a story most did not know. "A few years ago, I hit one of my lowest moments. If I were to be truthful, which I am, I would tell you that I ran away. I ran away from my problems." I bit my lip not wanting to share my lowest moment, but Jade deserves credit. "I ran all the way to a hotel, the one that Jade happened to work at. Once in my room, I was set on one thing.
I was going to kill myself." I took a moment to breathe, I can't believe I said it, the moment didn't even feel real.

I went into the hotel room, and did some not ok things... the next thing I remember was Jade, coming in and helping me. After she bandaged me up, she put me in a bed and tried to get me to talk, keep me awake. Keep me alive." I paused to think.
"Even.." I started to cry, quickly turning it into a chuckle. "Even after I refused to talk to her, she told me her story, she showed me her scars. She was showing a complete stranger the deepest part of her, to help him." I began to cry, as I felt Marks hand grasp my shoulder. "I'm ok I'm ok" I whispered.
"If it were not for Jade, I... I don't think I'd be here today." At that moment I felt Marks grip getting tighter. I Sniffled and rubbed his hand.

"What I'm trying to say is, be there for your friends, for your family, and most importantly strangers; be there for people that can't be there for themselves. For you never truly know who's life you've touched, but they'll know." I finished as the room remained silent. I dug my nails into my arm in fright, but stopped once people began to stand and clap.

I smiled and walked off the stage with Mark. He followed me to the churches bathroom. "I need a moment." I said heading in as he grabbed my arm.
"Are you safe?" He asked, as I looked back. "Yes." I answered as he hesitantly let me go. "I'll be right here if you need anything." He said as I closed the door.

I walked to the sink and splashed water on my face, wiping it with a towel. After a few moments, I decided to sit by the sink. I just need to breathe.
"I'm ok"
Breathe in.
"I'm ok"  I whispered on every exhale.

"I'm ok."

:DDD -Phantom

Don't Let Go (Sequel to Hold On JackABoy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora