Chapter 40- The Big Day

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[once again Art by @peebles_is_trash !!!]

Jacks POV

"Today's the big day." Mark whispered, as he fixed my tie. I sighed in fear. Today was the day, the day we sued Hoi.

I felt very dissociative, it was all too..confusing. It felt like not even a month ago I was in the hospital, living under Hoi's rules and now I'm sueing him.

"Jack?" I looked up at Mark who had been waving his hand in front of my face. "You good?" I nodded. He smiled and pecked my lips. He pulled me into a hug and locked me in, "They'll be more of that once we finally win this thing." he whispered. I felt my face instantly heat up. "Good luck baby, I love you." He cooed, rubbing my back. "I know you can do this" he pulled away smiling.

I watched him leave to join the audience, and I let my smile drop. I shakily took a few breathes, "you can do this." I whispered to myself, clenching and unclenching my fists.

"Alright there Sean?" Cindy asked, I jumped as she spoke, as I hadn't heard her come in. I turned and nodded. "We should head in now, are you sure you're alright?" I gulped and nodded, "as good as I can be" I smiled lightly.

I followed behind her to our booth, walking by Mark and Jade sat in the booths. I turned back and pulled on my collar. They smiled, and I turned back toward the judge.

I face the judge, as my throat goes dry. Out of the corner of my vision I can see Hoi walk to his booth. I swear I can see him glance at me. "This is a mistake.." I whisper, and look toward my hands.
"It's ok Jack, everything's going to be ok." Cindy whispered, still looking at the judge.

"All rise, for the case of McLoughlin vs Hoizer." The judge said as everybody stood up. "You may be seated." As the room behind me sat down.

I could see the judge had begun speaking, but all I could hear was a slight buzzing noise.
"I would like to call up my client, Sean McLoghlin to the stand." Cindy said pulling me out of my state.

I walked towards the seat near the bench, and sat down. "Do you swear to say the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" I was asked.

Cindy approached me and began to walk about the floor. "Now Sean, why are we here today?" She said looking at me. "Uh- I'm here to sue Dr. Hoizer, from the hospital I stayed at during my in house." I answered, as we had practiced.

"And why are we suing this, this doctor." She gestured toward his booth.
"H-he's not a good Doctor." I added.
"Could you possibly elaborate?" Cindy pushed, I knew she would, theres just so many people.

"When I begun seeing Dr. Hoizer, I heard these rumors about him. Of course, I believed them to be true. However once I got to know him, there was a time where I dropped all my suspicions. But... I-I was wrong." I glanced over to him, as tears began to well. I can't.

"What were these rumors, Sean?" Cindy continued.
"Um" I took in a deep breathe, "Dr. Hoizer was know for devising a system, at the hospital. It entailed the old 'an eye for and eye' ordeal. It was said that if you wanted something done for you, you'd have to do something for them."

"And by them you mean?" Cindy asked.
"Other doctors and nurses, yes."
"Could you please continue, on what you, or other patients would have to do?"
"Well... the acts were always sexual, they were called favours. Using the example of a friends was, he could do something sexual to get out of eating or throwing up, without getting reprimanded."

"What happened to you?" There it was, the question I was afraid of...
" I-" I coughed. "Um, after I got used to Hoi, as that's what we called Dr Hoizer, I talked to him about upping the dose of my medicine because it wasn't working. That's when... that's when he raped me.." my cheeks heated up instantly. "He-I sa- he sa-" I couldn't stop stuttering.
"Its ok, take your time breathe." Cindy said, attempting to calm me down.

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