Chapter 24- Dealing

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Jacks POV

"If I hadn't lost my memory I wouldn't have gotten a second chance to fall in love with you..I uh I um..I'm so sorry I have to go" I watched as he ran out tears dripping down my face. The room became dark and I under a spot light. I fell to my knees my head in my hands sobbing.
"Ahh what an excellent performance" I looked up still on my knees but no longer in a dark room. I was sat in front of Hoi. 'No please' I went to plead instead noticing my mouth had been held open by a metal ring. Tears still streaming down my face I shook disobediently. I tried to back up as far as I could shaking my head at an indecent Hoi. His chuckle rang through my ears as he stood up and walked towards me. "Remember what I said?...bad boys don't get rewards" he smiled coming closer and closer to my cornered forum. "Let's play"

"NO!" I shot up in my bed. Tears streaming down my face. "Please..." I whispered pulling my knees up to my chest. "I didn't want this.." I silently sob to myself wishing that this all could have been a hideous dream like before... but it wasn't.
I hear tossing and turning in the bed opposite of mine squinting to see if I had woken Mak.
"Jack" she whispers.
I hesitate.
"Ye-yeah" I choke.
I hear her sit up out of her sleepy daze.
"Are you ok?"
"N-no" I try to say calmly but breathing comes hard.
I hear her bed springs creak and her bare feet padding on the floor in front of me. She feels around on my bed and gets on. We stare at our dark selves for a few seconds until she engulfs me in a hug. My body flinches at the immediate contact but relaxes and I hug back. I sob into her, her figure muffling the sobs. "What am I going to do Mak? What am I going to do.." I continued to sob knowing that this is going to keep happening till I am out.. and am I going to even get out?
"It's going to be ok I promise" she shushed me calming me down a bit more till I was just left sniffling.
A knock at the door caused me to jump as a nurse opened it letting light shine in. "Shower time if you need to" she sang and closed it again.

"Jack.. I have to shower will you be ok here?"

I nodded.

"I'll come get you when I'm done and we'll go to breakfast." 

I nodded again as I watched her leave.
I decided to try and get some more rest before she came back since I didn't get much sleep.

"Jack" I heard as my eyes sprung open. "Jack it's time for breakfast" I looked up at a wet Mak.
I sat up and wiped my eyes.
"Ok." I whispered putting on my shoes.

I walked a little bit behind Mak as we received our breakfast and sat at the same table as yesterday.

I played with my food zoning out of the whole convo.
The hideous acts of yesterday flashing through my mind. I shut my eyes tight trying to get them to go away.

"What's up with Jack" I heard opening my almost blinded eyes looking up at Micheal with a full mouth of food pointing to me.

"Octor-Day Oi-Hay" Mak said.

"W-what?" Michael asked in much confusion.

"Oh you dumbass its piglatin" she said slapping her forehead as Lexi passed him a note.
"Oh Fuck" he said looking at me.
"Hey Jack.. I dont know if this is gonna help" he paused and looked at Mak "and I'm tired of getting hurt by Mak... but they got to me too.. and it was awful at first and this is gonna sound bad but as advice it's not as bad after awhile, especially if you listen and play along you can practically get what ever you want so that's a plus.. I know this sounds really sick but there's really no other way out I'm sorry.." he said preparing for Mak to hit him.
He looked up confused once again. Mak sighed..
"As much as I hate the idea I think he's right Jack.. I don't think theres anyway around it... you just gotta deal..I know that sounds harsh" she paused biting her lip.

"I understand." I said still picking at my food.
I was able to zone out the rest of breakfast pondering over what Micheal had said. No one wants this.. you just gotta live with it.. "Jack" my eyes shot up looking at Mak whose hand was places on mu shoulder.
"Ready for Act one?" She asked as I looked at the emptying cafeteria. I nodded and looked at my map.
Mak walked with me to group therapy so she could make sure I'd be safe.
"You ok?" She asked as we stood in front of the large metal doors. I nodded, "yeah, I'm just trying to wrap my brain around something" I said in a low tone. "If it's any thing Michael sa-" she started. "No no it's o- that might have hel- I don't know but it's ok I promise." I gave her a weak smile and watched as she nodded and walked off.

I don't know how but all the acts had been going by so fast today. Like I'm already in my rec time so all I have left is visiting and.. I looked down at my schedule and gulped. A pit beginning in my stomach.. Hoi.. I shook my head. I can't let him get to me.

"Nice one!" I looked up at Lexi who had just yelled to Mak in their game of fooz ball.

"Jack's turn bitch you lose!" Mak yelled gaining my excitement.

"Oh hoho you're going down missy" I said taking the handles.

In all that time I had forgot about my problems. There was no Hoi, there was no hospital, there was no Mark.. it was just fun

And beating Mak.

"WHAT how did you?!" She protested.
"Video game fingers baby" I winked cracking my knuckles.
"Rematch?" I rose my eyebrow.
"Oh you're on!" She said as we grabbed out handles

-report to visiting hours-

"Ahhh man I totally would have one" she said glaring at me.
"Pfft ok" I said as she punched my shoulder
"Owe owe abuse I'm being abused!" I laughed out as we walked down the hallway and Mak blushing in embarrassment from the attention I had been drawing.

I sat at the table for five minutes twiddling my thumbs. I occasionally looked up at the clock every five minutes. "Where is he??" I said trying to think back to yesterday. "Oh.." I whispered as I recall what Mark had said.
I sit on my feelings for about 15 more minutes but finally I couldn't anymore. I got up and slowly walked toward the doors heading to my room awaiting the visiting hours to end.

Hurt yourself
Mark doesn't love you
He can't
He won't
Youre not good enough
You were never good enough..
Flashed through my head
As I sat on my bed.
I tugged at my hair desperately trying to get them to go away but they were so persistent.
I felt myself look up coldly with no emotion.
I know what I need to do.

I get get up and head for the door. Once in the hall I slowly walk to my next destination.

-proceed to last act-

My pace became faster knowing my destination and knowing I promised Mak to see them before this, but I can't, I know she'd stop me.

"Jack!" I hear faintly behind me as I walk even faster almost at a run. I slip into Hoi's office before Mak can reach me.
"Well hello Ja-" I cut him off before he can even finish.
"I need something." I pause shortly "I need a favour.." I look up him. His face goes from wonder to a smirk as he leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.

"Well isn't somebody eager" he grinned. "I thought you we're gonna be harder to crack. But continue" he said waving his hand at me. "What does Jack need?"

"I need Blades"

Sorry it took so long, this was supposed to go up on super bowl sunday! Any way what team did you want to win I'm a patriots fan!! Also I'm single now soo :))) great !1!1!!11 :(((-X

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