Chapter 22- Some Favours

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Jacks POV

"I've been in this physic ward for about 4 days.
Everything seems to be going good.. It's just that my PTSD has been acting up lately and I keep having flash backs. But other than that the friends I have made are really nice and everything is pretty neat.."
I said exhaling opening my eyes after sharing in group therapy.
"Very good Se- very good Jack. Now about your flash backs are they bad? Have you spoken with you're therapist to see if uping your dose is the correct way to go?" The group leader asked
I nodded.
"Some are bad yeah and no not yet, I'm going to ask though." She smiled and nodded at me for approval.

I looked down at my rotated schedule since the Act would change in a few.
Free time
Group therapy
Group loss
Dr Hoi
Free time

I sigh.. why do they have to have a rotating schedule?

-Proceed to Act Two-

I stood up and gulped.
Slowly making my way down the hall and looking down the doors into the visiting area..
I asked Mark to come.. he's coming.
"I can't do this" I said to myself
"Do what?" I jumped as I received an answer from a fastly approaching Mak.
"Oh uh nothing really" I spoke.
"You sure?" She pried.
"Yeah just nervous is all" I said rubbing the back of my neck while smiling anxiously.

She smiled and patted my shoulder walking out.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath pushing open the double doors.
I moved swiftly to my assigned table and began to wait with my hands intertwined on the table as I twiddled my thumbs.

I bounce my leg vigorously as three minutes have passed and Jade nor Mark had made any appearance.

Finally, I see a pair of legs approach my table... only one pair...
"I knew he wouldn't come" I breathed out in sorrow.

"Who wouldn't come?" My eyes widened as I looked up at a very messy Markiplier.

"Mark?" I questioned as if I couldn't believe his arrival.

"Yeah" he looks at me and we lock eyes for what seems like an eternity. Looking into his eyes made me forget where I was and how much time has passed, they made me forget the last two years. It was as if time had never passed.
"I uh nothing" I said feeling my cheeks begin to blush. We both look away not knowing what to say.

We sat in silence for a bit just enjoying each others companies until I finally had to say it.

"I'm sorry" I exhaled gaining him to look up and he looked quiet puzzled.

"For what?" He asked alarmed.

I bit my lip.. "the bridge.. the self harm, the worry, for just leaving you, for..for everything." I spat out and looked down at my hands in disappointment.

It was a few seconds before Mark could reply.

"I'm..." He paused.

"I'm not mad.." he was really good at lying.

"Yes you are" I said back a tear escaping my eye. I act quick wiping it away.

"Jack I hurt you! I deserved for you to leave! And bridge was my fault! I shouldn't have drank as much as I did." He retorted. He's had a week to think about the scenario.. I've had years..

"But if I didnt go to the bridge you wouldn't have fallen!"  I said a little louder than a whisper. "If I didn't bring you to the bridge you wouldn't have been in the coma and you wouldn't have lost your memory!" 
And as if rehearsed he spat out, "If I hadn't lost my memory I wouldn't have gotten a second chance to fall in love with you.." I look up in disbelief
"Mar-" I start but notice his hands went immediately over his mouth.
"I uh I um" he stuttered standing up and grabbing his jacket. "I'm so sorry I.. I have to go" he said as he began to run out.

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