Chapter 36- Sleepless

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[Shout out to @ginjaninja420 for the art!!!]

Jacks POV

You should have kept it.
You hurt Mark.
It's your fault.
You could be using that glass right now.

"Jack? You ok?" Mark stood in front of me waving with apprehension.
I realized I was dissociating and shook away my thoughts. "Y-yeah" I replied.
He sat next to me and leaned his head on my shoulder. "You sure?" He pushed.
No. "Mark I'm fine." I said a little but more aggravated then I wanted too.
He turned me to face him in one swift motion, and grabbed my hands. I glanced down at his bandaged hand, matching mine.
That wouldn't have happened to him if you didn't exist.
I looked away. "Jack it's ok. I didn't grab it right, it's not your fault." He tried, but I wouldn't hear it. It is my fault.

"You'll feel better in the morning ok? We're calling the lawyer tomorrow." He informed me. I turned and gave him a 'thanks for helping' smile, and nodded. Accepting his sleep proposal.

We climbed into bed and turned our lamp off, attempting to join Jade in sleep world. He kissed my cheek and I smiled knowing that I had Mark back. Soon I felt him go limp, but all I could do was think.

Unfortunately before I knew it, it was 8:00. I struggled throughout the night with my thoughts.
Mark finally rolled over so I was able to flea to the bathroom. I knew I'd have to be quiet, in whatever I was doing because they usually wake up at 8:30 or 9.

I sat on the toilet, looking at my thighs in disgust. Not because I have scars, but because I can't add to them.
"I'm weak for being strong" I whispered to myself. Scratching at my scars. None of them were new, so scratching was useless.

I peered around the bathroom floor, hoping Mark had missed a shard of glass. He didn't.
It's the most motivation I've had in months maybe even years, I scavenged the bathroom. I looked in the drawer, and under it, under bottles and bags. Anywhere someone like me would hide a blade. Someone like Jade.

In my efforts I was happy to say I didn't find one because I knew Jade was clean, but aggravated because I couldn't get a release.

I was alarmed at a light knocking on the door before it had opened. Had I not locked it? Mark tackled me into the biggest hug closing the door. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you too" I whispered back.
"I was worried." He said. "I was too." He pulled away from me and examined my face.
"Are you ok?" He whispered. I just kinda shrugged.
"I still haven't hurt myself" I gave a cheesy look but dropped it.

"What are you too gays doin in the bathroom??" Jade yelled, causing me to jump.
Mark giggled causing me to giggle. We kissed and fled the bathroom so it couldn't get much gayer.

After everyone ate, but me, Jade called the lawyer.
"Hello? Is this Dennis and Dennis? I need to sue a Doctor Therapist type of guy?... Can I come in for an appointment?... Yes! That's fine... Thank you see you soon!"

"Ok lads, get ready I got us an appointment!" She cheered. "What time?" Mark questioned.
"10:30" He groaned. I looked at the clock, holy fuck 9:21?! How long had I been in the bathroom.

"You guys be good ok? I have to run to that convince store 15 minutes down the road to buy a new charger, mine shit the bed last night." She said jogging toward the door.

We nodded and I started to get dressed. I was taken off guard by Mark as his arms snaked around me. I giggled as he kissed my head. "Ya know" he began in a sex voice. "I need to shower.." he paused. "Oh" I said back as he pulled me towards the bathroom.

I faced the broken mirror as I undressed, and Mark got the shower ready. I turned to see Mark, who was already half hard and I began to blush. He turned to me and smirked as I tried to look everywhere but him. "Ah come on baby am I that ugly?" He chuckled. "N-no" I tried to fight back but his lips smashed with mine as we passionately made out. He started stepping back as I stepped forward as we hopped into the nice warm shower.

I turned to breathe, but also grabbed the shampoo but dropped it as I moaned. Mark had snaked his arms around me and began to kiss my neck. "Mmph" We both made. I felt his hard member against my arse and felt mine twitch.

I bit my lip at the pleasure. Mark turned me around as we made out again as his hand snaked down from my waist to my member. He began to slowly jerk me as I moaned through the kiss. I felt him laugh as he smiled and air shot out of his noise. Over whelmed by pleasure I moaned again.

My mind flashed to a vision of Hoi doing this.

I choked and pushed Mark back, attempting to catch my breathe. I could only look down in disgust and anger, at Hoi, at myself.
"J-jack?" Mark attempted to grab my shoulder.
"I'm sorry" was all I could say. "I've been tainted." I said coldly.

"Did you have a flashback?" He questioned, I nodded.
"Was it of Hoi?" I nodded once again in disgust, his name sickens me.

Mark hugged me but I was cold. My arms hung at my side as I sat in thought. I hadn't even noticed when he had started to wash me and himself.
All I could think about was when Mak washed me after that day. It wasn't a flashback but it was all I could think off.

We dried off and got dressed neither of us saying a word. I look to him.
He hates you now.

He turned to me, his expression turned to worry.
"Have you taken your meds yet?" I shook my head.
He grabbed them from over the counter and the bottle of water so I could take them.

Fuck. I'm supposed to eat while I take these or my stomach gets super fucked up.
Oh well.
I downed my meds and joined Mark on the couch until Jade arrived.

"Yoyo twats the ubers been here for 4 minutes, let's blast?" She said pointing her thumb backwards and backing out of the door.

We followed her out the door, I stayed mesmerized on her baby green short shorts that had a green and grey horizontal striped v-neck that was tucked in and light green suspenders, with baby green converse. Her little white purse swayed at her hip from her opposite shoulder.

We got to the car eventually and I felt my stomach yell at me. "You ok?" Jade asked, pointing out my bouncing leg. "Yeah I'm good." I said back to her trying to hold up the act. It's hard to lie to these two, they can see right through me.

aye look an update??

Also if youre wondering about the drawing thing

Heres a list of people who haven't been drawn:

Heres a list of people that have been drawn but you CAN STILL DRAW:

Heres some ideas:
Jacks friend group from the hospital
Jade and Jack
Hoi and Jack
Jack Jade and Mark
Septiplier smut
Legit anything about the story???

Ok cool!! -X

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