Chapter 18- Howdy Hoi

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Jack's POV

"Be careful in there Jack," Lex whispers in my ear while giving me a hug. The hug was to be subtle... I think.. 

"Now remember after this go straight to the Cafeteria. I'll meet you there with Micheal and Mak."
I nod and turn as she pats my shoulder and mouths 'good luck'

I gulp as I stare down the metal door labeled, "Dr. Hoizer" I exhale and knock on the door.
A muffled "Come in" rings through the door and I grasp the handle. I open it to see a man in light blue scrubs sitting in a swivel chair behind the desk. His skin was golden brown and he had ocean blue eyes. He looked just like an older version of Jackson Avery from Greys Anatomy. I'm not going to lie he's really hot.. "Good evening Mr. McLoughlin," he announced pulling me out of my trance.
"H-hi," I whispered looking down I wasn't sure if the lump in my throat was from fear of him or fear of his attractiveness..

"I'm doctor Hoizer but you can call Hoi," He said extending his hand. I nodded and began to approach his hand to shake it but he stops me. "Close the door please," he says.

Oh no..

I close the door and shake his hand.

"Not very good with words huh?" He chuckles. "Anyways you may take a seat."
I look around and decide to sit in the couch farthest away from him. 

"So Sean, my goal is to be able to get you out of here." I nod as his eyes almost look sincere.
"The goal is to work with you and see what we can do to help you and work on evaluating what to do before you do any thing drastic." I gulp know he's talking about my self harm...

"Also, I'm not sure who you've made friends with but I know some patients don't like me? It's as if they have it against me like I'm some demon?" His face made a weird guessing twist. "But I don't know.. I don't want you to be afraid of me.. just remember this is a mental hospital and people do have paranoia and it spreads.."

Is it true? Maybe he really is a good guy.. n-no I have to trust the others he could be playing mind games with me.

"Sean?" He asks pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Uh- call me Jack sorry I didn't get much sleep." I let out a anxious laugh.

"Understandable it must be hard to sleep somewhere other than your home in a place like this the first few nights." I nodded.

"Sea- Jack you don't need to be worried I'm not going to hurt you or what ever is circulating around about me.." I looked up and gave a weak smile.

He sighed leaning back looking at the clock. "Ok we have roughly 15 minutes left.. so what would you like to do.. we could start talking. Or if your more comfortable we can do something else." I nodded at that.

"Ok fine tell you what to ease you in I'll give you a freebee." I look up.

Freebee like before he starts asking for favours oh n-nonono I cant do that I jus-

"Jack?" I look up and nod eyes widened.

"Ok I'll be right back," he says before leaving.

Look through his desk
No I can't
Just do it find out if he's what people say he is if he is run

I begin to stand up but I hear the door click and sit back down.

"These are from the doctors lounge don't tell anybody." He smiles while handing me an soft serve ice cream cone.
"I didn't know what flavour you wanted so I got a twist."

"I-Its fine t-thank you," I looked up at him giving him a smile.
"You're welcome. But eat up cause I can't let you out in the hall with it." I nodded and began to start at my soft serve.

Now the normal person licks a soft serve they don't just bite it, but I could swear Hoi was entranced on the way I licked around the twist to stop it from leaking over the cone. It made me very uncomfortable and I began to stop.

"I think i'm full," I begin.  But he cuts me off.

"Wait I gotta check your charts cause if you have an eating disorder I legally can't let you throw more than 30% of the food away and normal is 40% and hun that's a good 60% left you have to be able to eat half the cone before it can be discarded sorry..  also I worked so hard to get that for you..." He gave me fake puppy eyes."

I scoffed on the inside and began again. I began to bite the ice cream. It hurt my teeth but it got him to stop looking at me.

Jack one. Hoi zero.

-proceed to Act 3-
"Thank you!" I rushed and threw my ice cream in the trash barreling out the door and turned the corner to the cafeteria.

"Hey Jack are you hold it go?!" Mak said they all looked at me worriedly.
"I don't know. He got really creepy towards the end," I said "But why didn't you guys tell me he was attractive and not and ugly fat guy in his forties. I wasn't prepared"

They giggled and I made a fake pouty face.

"Remember honey beauty kills," Michael said snapping his fingers.

"So whats next?" I ask.

"Visiting hours," they all said.

I hope she comes..

ATTENTION I can not urge you enough to REREAD the triggers on the bio for this story
I am not one to put trigger warnings in the chapter so please be cautious there will be a big one coming up soon !!!-X

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