Chapter 37- Dennis&Dennis

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[shout out to @peebles_is_trash for the amazing art!! Thank you!]
Jack's POV

I slowly trudged behind the others as we walked into the building. My stomach was screaming at me.
Jade talked to the lady at the front desk and we were sent into the waiting room. I kept my eyes to my shoes, but I could feel Mark's eyes on me the entire time.

"McLoughlin?" My eyes peered up to a lady with a clipboard. All three of us stand up and she smiles. "And which one is Sean?" I awkwardly wave my hand to confirm its me. Hearing Sean was still so foreign.

We followed her down a few corridors, as she ushered us into a room. "A lawyer will be with you shortly, to identify if you have a case," She said and closed the door.

I winced in pain as my stomach churned. Hoping the others wouldn't notice me clenching the chair for dear life.

Two knocks caught our attention as a tiny blonde haired woman walked in.
"Hello, my name is Cindy, I will be taking on your case if there is one," She chimed, shaking all our hands then sitting in her chair.

"So, what's your case?" She asked looking at us.

"I uh-" She looked at me causing me to look down.
"I need to sue Jensen Hoizer and multiple staff at Quebec County Hospital."
"Ok? Continue what happened," She pushed.

"I uh..." telling Mark and Jade was hard enough now I have to tell a stranger. What if she doesn't believe me? What if they put me bac-
"You ok honey?" She asked. "Uh y-yeah sorry," I said.
"No its ok, would you like some water?" I nodded.

I sipped on the water but instantly regretted it, as my stomach was empty. "Now take your time sweetie," She cooed, understanding I was uncomfortable. "Just start from the beginning."

"Ok um I.. I was backer acted in the Quebec County Hospital's psych-ward. At first it was really good, until I got my personal therapist.." I paused to gather what I wanted to say. "There was this rumor that went around about Dr. Hoizer- I uh I don't know how to explain it.." I stammered.

"Its ok honey just say what you can and we'll piece it together." She replied.
"Ok.. Dr Hoizer... he umm" Mark took this time to grab my hand, I used this as the encouragement I needed. I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply. "He raped me." I felt my cheeks heat up and My anxiety flared. "Dr. Hoizer some how got other faculty members to join him in this.. this thing? It was basically like.. if you wanted to get out of something, or get something you had to do a favour. Usually the first time is always rape, other times as well but.. but you just have to know it was safer to adapt.." I was squeezing Marks hand really tight.

"Most who were in on it had one pant leg rolled up or tucked in, it was the trademark to spot them out. However, there were hidden ones so if we tried to snitch we would obviously get punished some how... They had some patients spying on us too. He told me... that the only reason he hasn't been caught, and he won't be caught, because no one would believe a mental patient over their therapist. He said.. he said if we tried.. if I tried to tell they'd put me back in there and I just..." I stopped, I couldn't finish.

"Its ok deary," She said. "You gave more than enough and from what it sounds like is you've been through a lot and you explained it very well, I just have a few questions. Is that ok?" She continued.

"You said you have to adapt, so were there times where you consented?" My leg started bouncing and I let go of Marks hand, grabbing my own.
"K-kinda? Like I didn't want it, but I did... I don- I" Mark cut me off. "Its ok Jack just breathe." He rubbed my back. "Jack?" The lady questioned.
"It's my nickname..." She nodded.

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