Chapter 28- Okay

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Jack's POV

"I'm so sorry," she cried into my shoulder.
"Jade it's alright you were ill I understand," I try to comfort her. She feels terrible about not coming for two days, but I understand she was sick, "It happens," I added.
"And I'm just so... so bloody mad that that prick didn't even show up," She sniffled pulling away to rub her nose. "I mean honestly you were here for two days? Alone.." she wiped her eyes as well.
"Hey it's ok Mark doesn't matter any more he doesn't like me and I'm ok with it. I'm.. I'm ok," I said for what I believe is the first time in my life where I actually believed myself. "I'm okay," I reassured her.
She looked at me and smiled giving me one last hug before we had to depart once again.

I decided to head back to my room and get some rest before the next ACT. Once on my bed I was met with my thoughts.
'Am I really ok?'
'The rape doesn't even affect me?'
'Nor Mark...or...anyone'
It was weird. I wasn't sad I wasn't mad I was just.. ok.
So many things I have gone through and so many things I have let bother me and influence my actions.. but not any more.. I was okay.

While in the middle of my thoughts a figure stopped in my door way.
"Ah Jack," Hoi said as I looked at him.
"Yes?" I replied un-sure of his visit, since we had first ACT together.
He cleared his throat, "May I borrow you for a second? There are some matters that need to be attended too."
I instantly gulped and lifted myself off my mattress.
I followed behind a few steps anxiously down a corridor I had not traveled before.
We were met with a big red door which caused my anxiety to flare even more. Hoi turned and put his hand on his shoulder smiling at me.
"I can't come in Just yet but I want you to know I put in a good word for you." Before I could even fathom what he meant I was in the room.
"Won't you join us?" An older lady asked as I saw an open seat at a table full of older personal.
"H-hi?" I asked while taking a seat.
"You like to go by Jack is it?" The man diagonal had asked. I nodded.
"Alright Jack, we have a few questions for you but we have looked over your folder and have decided that you are eligible to be released."
The head of the table had informed. I felt the corners of my mouth defy me as they shot up not being able to keep them down. Although I was smiling I was still caught in disbelief. 'Really? They want to release me? Did Hoi really put a good word in for me?'
"Hmm?" I came back acknowledging the lady from earlier.
"Just a few questions if I might?" I nodded as she looked back at her paper.
"Do you have a stable living place?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Do you live with anyone?"
"Yes, My best friend Jade."
"Did you find your time here helpful?"
No... "Yes"
"Do you yourself feel as if you have changed as a person?"

They nodded making eye contact.
"Alright that settles it.. Jack you will be dismissed tomorrow at 9 am so you can say goodbyes with any friends you have made along the way. We will be calling your emergency contact shortly to inform them of the plan...and good luck!" She smiled dismissing me from the room. As I got in the hallway I began to cry, involuntary of course. Happy tears. I ran. I ran feeling tears fall behind me.
As I turned the corner and ran right into Mak.

"Oh my god Jack are you ok?" she asked the look of worry spread across her face.
"I'm better than okay. I'm being released!" She didn't even hesitate pulling me into a congratulatory hug.
"Congratulations!" She cried.


I know I know its been weeks maybe? I don't know sorry I got caught up in things.
However I am officially(?) a college student(fall 2017) AND I got my lip pierced and I'm deathly afraid of needles so accomplishment!!

As this book grows in popularity it is harder to answer and see everyone's comments but I promise Right now I check EVERY single one and I reply as much as I can <3 I hope you liked this update!-X

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