"Roman why are you carrying so much loose cash?" Her brows narrowed.

"I was going to go to the bank but I got distracted." He shrugged before putting the money back in his pocket.

She gave the woman a sheepish smile as he paid. "Keep the change." Roman mumbled before taking the bags.

As soon as they walked out she dug in the bag and got her Ben&Jerry's ice cream. He chuckled as he unlocked the car.

"You just couldn't wait could you?" He grinned.

"No." She said with her mouth full.

Roman shook his head at her as she plugged in the Aux cord that she also grabbed at the checkout. She put her phone on shuffle and sat back in her seat.

She kicked off her shoes leaving her in only her socks. She put her feet up on the dashboard making Roman look at her.

"Elley what the fučk did I say about placing your feet on my dashboard?" He asked her.

"To not put them there?" She answered in more of a question.

"Then take them off." He growled.

"But Bumba I'm your girlfriend. I get these kind of privileges." She batted her lashes.

"No." He shook his head. "Batting your eyelashes won't get me this time."

"Ok then can I put them on your lap?" She asked him.

"Elley I'm driving." He growled.

"Then I'm glad we've come to an understanding." She smiled.

Roman grumbled a couple of curse words but still kept his cool dominer. Eleanor grinned widely at him. "I love you too." She carelessly said.

His head snapped to the side looking at her. He quickly looked back to the road but pulled over. "What did you say?" Roman asked her.

Eleanor swallowed a lump in her throat as she looked at him with. "I said that I love you?" She said unsure.

"Say it again." Roman said as he leaned closer to her.

"I love you." She beamed with a smile.

Roman smashed his lips against  hers Eleanor didn't hesitate to kiss him back. The kiss was rough but yet soft. It wasn't fast nor was it slow. It was passionate as his warm lips creased her cold lips. He slowly pulled back and Eleanor stole a quick peck.

"I love you Eleanor Elmz." He smiled his dazzling smile at her.

She smiled even more. "I love you too Roman Bianchi."


"I'm never going to let you drive my car." Roman stated as the woman checked for a suit for the two.

"Oh c'mon." She rolled her eyes. "So what if I were driving a little bit over the speed limit." She shrugged.

"A little bit?" He arched his brow. "I wouldn't be surprised if I got a a ticket with a huge fučking fine." He grumbled handing her his black card. "You drive as if the road is some sort of race track."

"Not really." She shook her head. "I just can't help but drive fast with a beauty car such as your car."

Roman shook his head before taking his card back and taking a hold of her hand. They entered the elevator with the bell-boy who had their luggage.

Once Roman had seen the room and was satisfied with it he gave the bell-boy a rather large tip before allowing him to leave.

"This is nice." She commented.

"I know now get settled in." He told her as he took their suitcases. "Elley I said pack light not so many suit cases." He grumbled.

"I did." She said walking over to help him. "I packed five outfits because New York is very unpredictable with its weather changes."

"Then why so many suitcases?" He growled.

"One for my shoes, clothes and undergarments, purses; clutches and backpacks, and the last one was meant to be a carry on for my work." She informed.

"Elley." He dragged out in a low husky voice. "I told you no work on this trip." He placed her suitcases on the couch in their room.

"I know but I need to catch up with my work and plus my office had collected dust so I needed to make sure everything was in tip top shape before leaving." She explained.

Roman huffed as he stood up right. She watched him roll his shoulders before facing her. "Alright but I hope your work doesn't get in the way off our plans." He stated.

She nodded with a big smile. "It won't, I promise."

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