Chapter 50: Time don't wait for you, but you can

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Y/N's P.O.V

After that detention class me and Taehyung went home, it was a quite walk, but Taehyung seemed a little bit bummed off, he seems like he really wanted to tell me something, I'm really curious too. But it'll be kinda weird to ask so I didn't do much about.

Y/N: Taehyung, have you ever have that one feeling or that one mood that you're always there when you're only wanted, but never needed?

He stopped right where he was and I could see him gulp as he hesitates to answer my question.

Taehyung: Umm w-why you ask? 

Y/N: Well I was just wondering.. but still answer my question, do you?

Taehyung:  Well yes I have those days and moods, or feelings, but I usually push them aside when I have them, I'm not a big fan of those feelings, it bothers me a lot, especially when I'm with my crush-- OH I mean my.. umm my--

Y/N:  Wait you have a crush?! On who? Can I know who is it?!

Taehyung's P.O.V

Y/N:  Wait you have a crush?! On who? Can I know?


It's you pabo, when will you ever know that I feel like that everyday, and that I'm suffocating from my mistakes.

Taehyung: Ha sorry Y/N its a secret.

I bent down to her level and tapped on her nose as I turn around with my hands in my pocket and walked off as Y/N came following behind.

Y/N: Yahh, but can you at least give me some clues? I might just know who it is.

She smirked as if she knows it is already, what an dork this girl is, well that's why I love her.

Taehyung: Trust me, even if I gave you the clues you wouldn't even know who she is.

Y/N: Ohh so you want to make that a bet?

Taehyung:  You're always so competitive aren't you?

I giggled at the fact that she is always so competitive at everything she do like how she tries to bet the microwave timer when it counts down and she's cleaning, such a dork, and how she tries to always find another way to win a conversation, and how she roasts people.

Taehyung: Sure!

Y/N: Really?!

Taehyung: Yeah.

Y/N:  How come I thought you didn't want me to know?

Taehyung:  Well, its because I already know you won't find out.

Y/N:  Fucken bitch--

Taehyung:  Last one who gets home is an egg head with a really--


She is already running?! Omg his girl, she's too cute.

Taehyung: Lets see who's really going to be the loser, loser!

And with that I start running.


Taehyung: *breathes hard* So I guess we tied?

Y/N:  Yeah you could, but I think I won because I have a chest and its bigger than yours and so I got to the door before you.

'What the fuck Y/N, what kind of winning answer is that?'

Taehyung:  Wow, says the one who doesn't even have one.

Y/N:  Yahh you want to touch--

I shot up looking at Y/N then her chest, 'what the hell is this girl thinking?'

Taehyung:  I mean I wouldn't mind.

Y/N:  You're such a pervert, no wonder no one likes you.

Taehyung:  Says the single one here.

Y/N:  Yahh so are you!

Taehyung:  But I have a crush so yeah, deal with it.

I winked at her and her face darkens a bit, probably because I brought up about my never existing crush besides her. Wow she's such a pabo. 

Taehyung:  Fine, I'll tell you, I mean give you some clues, now come here and listen closely because she's soo perfect, I don't think I can find anyone as more beautiful then she is.

Y/N scoot in closer as she leans in to hear my talk about her.

Taehyung:  Well this girl I like, actually this girl that I actually am falling in love with, she is beautiful and she makes your day the best with her in it, she'll make you smile everyday. But its just not her beauty that I fall for, I fall for her childish attitude, how she is always trying to be the best at everything and how she always wants to win over a conversation and how she roast people in such funny ways. And even when she's wrong she still tries to find a way to win, she's just so indescribable, like you know that feeling, that feeling that when you love someone so much you don't want to lose them or have them hurt, well that's how I feel towards her. But she doesn't know it at all.. she's.. she's probably falling in love with someone else, but even if she is, and I'll be hurt, its okay you know. I'm happy if she's happy.

I looked up and I can see that Y/N was in shock but at the same time she is in that speechless zone. I don't blame her because she doesn't even know herself as much as I do, so me describing her like this, she wouldn't even notice. Or maybe it's just me, maybe its just how I felt towards her. But I really want her to know how I feel about her.. she may be in love with Jimin, but.. at least she's happy. But that thought kills me just thinking about it every night before I go to sleep..

Y/N:  Wow.. Taehyung.. I'm speechless right now. Wow, she sounds so.. so beautiful, she sounds like she can be someone who can make you happy forever Taehyung.. she.. she's the right one for you... *pause*... Date her Taehyung.

'Wait what?!'

Taehyung:  What? what do you mean?

Y/N:  Yahh if she makes you happy, then I'm also happy too, you seem so in love with her just talking about her already, you should really find sometime to talk to her and get closer with her and let her know how you feel towards her. Don't wait because the more you wait, the more time you're wasting. Cause you know, my mom use to tell me that.. time don't wait for you, so take advantage of that because, time can't wait for but you can wait for time. So Taehyung please, date her.

Those words that came out of Y/N's mouth, made me weak and sad in the inside and out. Because she barely talks about her mom and when she does, that's when things gets serious. But it also makes me sad that the person I love is Y/N and what will she think of me as someone who is known for being obsessed with their 'not even dating yet' lover. And because I'm only here because of Jimin dad's deal with me... if she knew I was only there to make her forget about Jimin and Mina them.. she'll hate me forever.

Y/N:  You got it?

No I've decided.. I'm going to tell her now, she needs to know, and like she said, time don't wait for you so take advantage of that. Because you can wait for time.

Taehyung:  No Y/N what if that person, I've been talking about was you?

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