Chapter 23: Are you sure?..

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The old lady came walking in, slowly, with a smile.

Old lady: y/n..... help...
she reached her hands out, reaching for me.

Y/N: please.. just go away....
Tears starts forming, I was crying now.
Y/N: ple--ase..
*distant yelling*
Y/n! Wake up!! Are you okay??

???: Y/N!!! Wake up!!
I shot my eyes open to be relieved that it was only a dream...

Nurse: Y/N are you okay? You were screaming... is everything okay?...
I still have a blurry vision so I just nod my head, when my vision became more stable I looked at the glass window. The same old lady walking by... with the same look.

Nurse: Miss Y/n, are you okay?..
She turns to me direction, to where I was looking at. But she didn't seem to notice the lady. It's like I was the only person who sees her..

Y/N: yeah... I'm okay...
After some water bag changing and question asking, the nurse finally left.


'WTF!! Was that about?... why is there so many things going on?'

I soon went to sleep again ...


Two week later ( the day Y/N gets out of the hospital)

It was the day I get out of the hospital.. I know I'll just have to take the bus there.. *sighs*
I was walking out the door, when one of the nurse called out to me.

Nurse: Miss Y/n, where are you going?..

Y/N: umm.. home.
I replied back dumbfounded, but she just gave me a werid look.

Nurse: *laughs* Y/n, your guardian is picking you up. You don't have to walk, sorry I didn't tell you hun.

Y/N: ohh, thanks.
I then went to a seat, to wait.. But who is picking me up??. Then I realize there isn't anybody else, other than dad.

Someone called out, I turned around to see... Jimin!

Jimin's P.O.V

I was going to go pick up Y/n today, haven't seen her in two weeks, and I miss her so much! I could have gone see her, but I still have to deal with Mina and my problems.


Jimin: what is going on with this life?.. can I just spend it like how I want??..

So enough I arrived at the hospital... I looked around to see my beautiful Y/N sitting there.. dumbfounded... I chuckle a bit before walking to her...

Jimin: Ahheemmm....
She turns around.. and seemed shocked like she was expecting someone else...

Y/N: ohh.... hey Jimin... what are you doing here??..
Is she questioning what am I doing here??... like seriously??.

Jimin: Y/N, I'm here to pick you up...

The car ride..

Lies | Park Jimin Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora