Chapter 39

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Chapter 39 - Bustin' Them Out

Abel's Pov

"Listen, Vic we were a thing over five decades ago! Why aren't you over me? Yeah, the times we had together were nice but it's over now." I ramble on my alpha voice.

I should've just let Eli stay out here. No, he knows I'm the only one she has a soft spot anymore.

"Ab, does it really matter? It's obvious that I don't have a mate... or maybe it's you." She says, walking closer to me but I walk back.

"You and I both know that I'm not your mate. Maybe you just don't have one, so just tell me where they are so we can get this over with." I reply, looking her straight in her eyes.

Just for a moment I let my wall down to show my true feelings. The true feelings about Megan, not her.

Her head tilts as she looks at me with judgment. She stays silents as she walks closer to me and looks me straight in the eyes. She stares at me for who knows how long. She walks closer to me but this time I don't walk back.

One tear slides down her cheek, "I've never seen that look before. You must truly love her."

I nod my head before lifting a shaky hand to wipe away her tear, "I do."

She pulls away, stepping back harshly before gently closing her eyes then she begins to chant in a whispered voice. I watch silently in confusion until her eyes pop open, "They're in the lake inside the submarine. Yes, a submarine. I broke the spell. You shall get your love, good luck." She walks away quietly, disappearing into the trees.

"That was sorta... simple." I hear Desmond say before I turn my head to glare at him.

I sigh, "When I come back she better be here." I slowly close my eyes and without saying a word to either Eli or Aiden, I focus on giving control to Eli.

I let out a final deep breath before I pass our 'mind controller' ,as Eli calls, it down to him.

Eli's Pov

I flex my shoulders back and groan. It always feels like I'm in a new body every time we switch. I guess it's cause I'm not used to it like the other two. I would be, if they just let me out every once in awhile.

"Ok, well we know where they are." I announce as I walk towards the river. It doesn't look like anything is down there. Well, the water is really dirty like swamp water.

Matt and Desmond walk up behind me and look at the dirty lake as well.

"We do anything for our mates, right?" Matt says, taking off his shoes.

Desmond nods taking off his shoes as well.

I shrug, "I only came out to get her. I don't mind getting a little dirty."

"Ok Eli, you first." Desmond says, giving me an expectant look.

I roll my eyes, why do I have to go first? I mean yeah I said I would go in but that doesn't mean I want to.

I slowly pull my shoes and socks off as I continue to look at the dirty water. Once I'm done taking my shoes off I close my eyes and sigh. Well, here goes nothing. If this all goes right, I get my girl.

I sit down on the wet grass and slowly slip my feet then my legs and eventually it's to my waist. I look to Matt and Desmond and nod they nod back before they begin going into the water.

I hold my breath, which isn't hard at all for me. I could hold my breath for a long fucking time. I then close my eyes and sink into the water.

I slowly peel my eyes open expecting dirt to sting my eyes but it doesn't. It's clear as day down here. What the fúck? Was that whole dirty mess just a cover so people won't come in?

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