Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 ~ Plans or not

"Maybe we should just go back then protect our pack and deal with his crazy shit," I rant as I walk back and forth in our hotel room

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"Maybe we should just go back then protect our pack and deal with his crazy shit," I rant as I walk back and forth in our hotel room. I can feel sweat beginning to form just about everywhere as I think more and more about this situation.

Desmond left the room soon after the phone call followed by Gigi who was trying to calm him down. Matthew almost had a panic attack that someone would go after him or his baby, so Conner ended up telling us to leave their room so he can calm Matthew. Now me... I've just been ranting for the past fifteen minutes as Aiden just sits there and stares into blank space.

I wave my hands in front of his face, "Aiden are you even listening? I'm freaking the fuck out right now!" I'm sure my face is bright red from yelling but, I'm really freaking out.

He doesn't say anything he just keeps his head wrapped up in his arms. I get quiet knowing something is up with him.

Just then in our quiet phase Desmond and Gigi walk themselves in.

"Ok, lets go back... we can take him." Desmond grunts as he stands in front of Aiden with a distressed look on his face.

The door opens once again to reveal Matthew with a tear-stained, puffy face along with angered looking Conner. Everyone is pretty much a mess, and for some reason we all depend on Aiden to solve this mess.

We all stare at him as he takes his head out his hands, "I think there's a traitor... He can't just know and do all this shit without there being someone helping him. Someone we know," He explains as he twiddles his thumbs together.

"What? Like someone in this room?" I ask as I sit down next to him. I could hear everyone gasping and groaning.

He lets out a bitter laugh, "I doubt it. He's trying to get to all of us. I know for a fact that Matthew or Conner are going to be next."

Just as he says that I hear a wail come from Matthew causing Conner to engulf him in his arms.

"Ok! More of the reasons of why we should just go back and kill this sick fuck!" Desmond yells in fury.

"We can't! He has his little rogue army spread out like they're fucking Mcdonalds." Aiden groans in his Alpha voice.

"So we'll just use our trackers!" Desmonds grunts back in his own alpha voice.

"That's not going to work. He's smarter than our trackers. We have to think of an actual plan and a good one too." Aiden grunts out as he stands to face Desmond.

Oh, Please don't fight. An alpha fight is not presumably the best thing to see, even though it may sound cool. Plus I already assume...well cross that know that something is going to go down when we get home.

"Ok so what's the plan, Aiden? Do we go home or not?" Desmond continues to talk as he stares down Aiden.

Aiden shakes his head, "We can't just go home and not know what we're getting ourselves into."

Desmond sighs and lets his Alpha guard down, "'re right, but how are we going to plan something from barely knowing anything?"

"How about we put one of our own as a spy?" Conner questions out of nowhere and Aiden turns to him with a smirk.

"Exactly, I know just the person." Aiden says with the biggest wittiest smirk plastered on his face.

"Who? A prisoner?" Matthew says with a small sniffle. His face was even more red and puffy.

"Well...not exactly," Aiden slowly lets out a heavy sigh and we all look at him waiting to hear about who's going to be our spy.

"Well who is it?" I ask as I lift my hand up in gesture a for him to continue but he just shakes his head.

"A close friend of mine...he owes me a favor...he lives up in New York though." He explains to us but he doesn't exactly say who.

I began to think to myself curiously. Could it possible be someone I know? Someone I care about? Or is it really just some random person? In the end though, this person could potentially let us down or let us suceed, but who knows, anything could happen.


So honestly, I prefer the nude beach more than this dreadful car trailer. Good thing I'm able to cuddle up next to Aiden for this ride. This ride will be ten times better with him here. I also like being cuddled up his big, muscular, warm arms.

"Hey, baby?" Aiden says interrupting my thought process.

"Yea?" I answer back as I snuggle even more into his warm masculine chest.

"This might not seem important right now but it's kind of bothering me but are you okay? I know it's a lot but you were a bit off today with a few things," He questions slowly as he runs his hand through my hair.

I sigh, "Gosh, I didn't even notice. I guess I've just have been so worried about this plan that we barely have planned."

"Baby, plan or not...we'll make it through this, I promise," He replies in generosity then hugs me closer to his welcoming chest.


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