Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 - Home sweet home while on your toes

"We're two hours away! How ya feelin back there kiddos?" Conner shouts to us and we all groan our replies

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"We're two hours away! How ya feelin back there kiddos?" Conner shouts to us and we all groan our replies. I have no idea how Conner does it...he's only had about two breaks in two days but he had a lot of Monsters and Red Bulls to substitute.

I stare at Gigi curiously as she stares oddly at Matthew's small bump. Matthew stares at her with a confused face, "Um Gigi...why are you staring at me like that?"

"Where does it grow?" Gigi responds with her eyes still on the baby bump.

"My baby?" Matthew questions as he looks down at the his bump as well.

Gigi nods still with her eyes stuck on his belly.

Aiden laughs and shakes his head as he joins us on the couch, "It's the non-human part of him that grows a sack kind of like a uterus but not a uterus." He tells us then wraps me up in his arms.

"Wow. Hey Aiden I'd like to see you get pregnant!" Gigi exclaims causing Aiden to narrow his eyes at her.
*2 hours later*

"Now it's just us," Aiden sighs just as we finish dropping off Gigi and Desmond. We almost forgot that this was our trailer until Conner reminded us.

"Umm we're still here." Conner mumbles from the backseat of the trailer.

Oh yea... I almost forgot we switched spots and now they are in the back. Oops.

"Ok, so when we get back...what's the plan? Is he going to be there or do we have to watch until comes? What are we going to do?" I question while making gestures with my hands like always do when I ramble.

"No, I'm pretty sure he's not just going to be in plain sight he's probably going for the surprise, but either way I have it all planned out... hopefully," Aiden explains and I just nod my head in understanding.


As we walk inside the pack house, we immiediatly start to hear chatters about our arrival, because people could tell we're here by the loud clatter of our luggage causing people start greeting us as we make our way to the kitchen.

Opening the door to the kitchen to reveal Laila and Sarah sitting at the table drinking wine. Sarah sees us first and pops up from the table, "My babies are back!" She tackles both Aiden and I both in a hug and soon I felt Laila join us in the hug.

Aiden groans making them let us go, "We have important things to talk about, ma. We can have a reunion later."

"I know, come on lets go sit down then I'll pour some wine." Sarah says with an excited voice. I don't know how this family can stay so calm when we're in a obvious stressful situation. But then again, I really need calmness in my life since my family have always been the ones to overstress.

Aiden, Laila, and I all sit down only to notice Matthew and Conner have disappeared...hmm they probably got tired.

"So Aiden I know how you like to make your own plans with Abel, but this time it's pretty bad. Though, I hope this isn't bad enough to where you had to call in Eli. Oh and are you actually going to tell us if you have a plan and what it is or are you going keep it to yourself like always unless we are apart of it?" Laila explains and can't help but gape at how accurate it is. Except for the Eli part...I'll never really learn the full story of him.

Sarah turns around with a tray of glasses sitting in her hands. She sets the tray on the table and sits down next to Laila.

Aiden grabs himself a glass, "Well you sure are right. I have a plan worked out with Abel and a few others...even Chase. Oh and no plan will be that bad to the point where I need to get Eli involved. He'll never go away if I bring him out again." Aiden says before he takes a sip of wine.

Goddess I can't help but to stress. My mate won't even tell me stuff that I'm going to deal with sooner or later. Eli. The Plan. Why can't I just know this stuff? Aren't mates supposed to tell each other everything?

The whole time while Aiden talks to his mom I stay quiet thinking of just how terribly bad this plan is or Eli. I could feel light nudges to my thigh from Aiden but I ignore it.

"Well I think it's time that we go to bed," Aiden says and he stands up to hug his moms, "Goodnight ma, mom." He says lastly as I give them each a hug.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asks as soon as we enter his room.

I cross my arms and let out a scoff, "Aiden, tell me what's going on. I want to know about Eli, the plan, and everything else I know you're hiding from me."

"I hide things for a reason," he tells me and continues to lay out our luggage.

"Well you shouldn't hide things from me. I am your mate." I can hear the anger in my own voice and from Aiden's face I can tell he was caught off guard.

"Ok, fine you want to argue with me then lets do it. Listen, I'm trying my best to keep your damn feelings out of this whole fucked up mess, ok? I already know who the fucking traitor is and once you find out you're going to be a mess." He argues with his strong alpha voice but I still keep my stern face.

I nod my head and look down at my hands as I wring them together, "Just tell me."

"No, cause right now as your mate I don't give a damn about anybody's feelings except for yours and I don't want to see you hurt. I swear to you though when the time comes I will tell you everything you need to know...but that time is not now." He tells me as we're now face to face.

"Really? My feelings? My feelings are already hurt because of you so just tell me."  I almost yell but I contain myself because I don't want the pack to hear.

"Baby, when the time comes I promise you will be more than ok but right now I just can't." He says as he looks at me with those loving eyes of his.

I shake my head and walk my way to the door, "I'm just going to sleep in the guest room tonight."

*3 hours later*

Ha. He didn't even come after me. Though he probably just wanted to give me space. Space I don't want anymore. I've just been thinking for the last three hours and now my head hurts.

I sit up on the cold bed and I set my feet on ground. Even though, we just had an argument I'm going to go back. Truth is I'm just frightened by this whole situation and I really hope that I'll be fine after this like he said I would.

I stand up on the soft carpet floor and I head for the door. I slowly drag it open to feel a cold breeze of air and to see  the dark long hallway that led to Aiden and I's bedroom.

My bare feet lightly step across the cold floor when I hear a loud squeak causing me stop in my tracks.

"We've never met." I heard a deep voice say from behind. I try to scream out for Aiden but I fail when a cloth touches against my nose and mouth and soon I feel a burning sensation.

The lights flicker on in the hallway and right before my eyes close I could see a blurry figure in front of me. I pry my eyes  to open wider and I see him. Then I'm out.



Guys we're getting closer to the end...

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