Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 - Work & Girl Talk

I sit at my desk that was turned next to Aiden's desk in his huge office

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I sit at my desk that was turned next to Aiden's desk in his huge office.

"All I need you to do today is file the papers. Ok?" He tells me as he types away at his phone and as I look at all the stuff on my new desk.

I nod up at him seriously trying not to get distracted by how hot he looks in a suit. Just then he slaps a large of amount of papers on my desk making me jump in shock.

"Hello? What are thinking about?" He questions me, but I hadn't even noticed I'd dazed out like that.

"About how hot you look right now." I blurt out kind of shocking myself.

He just roll his eyes at me, "Well have fun here I'm going to a meeting, but when I get back I have to feed. Sorry I forgot to tell you," He explains, grabbing his briefcase and just then he's quickly out the room.

Well then...guess I better get started.

I took all of the papers from the desk and lay them across the floor next to the filing cabinet. I look down at all the papers to see that they're already labeled making this job much easier.

I begin rolling my sleeves to my elbows and began on filing.


So it's been about thirty minutes, and I have yet to even finish half of them plus Aiden still isn't back from his meeting. As I'm taking a break someone burst through the door.

"GIGI!" I yell. I haven't been away from her for this long, so I'm especially excited to see her.

"I missed you too, bitch." She sighs in the crook of my neck as we hug.

"Not to be rude but why are you here?" I asked suddenly confused as to why she's at my job.

"Well your man called me up to bring you some coffee and to keep you some company." She informs me, sitting a tray of two drinks next to me then she plops on the floor.

"Woah dude this carpet is so soft." She moans laying against the fluffy black carpet. She is right it is a great carpet that's why I took my heels off a long time ago.

"Take your shoes off it'll be better plus we need to have girl talk." I say then picking out the coffee I already know is mine.

"Yes, we do we're in desperate need of one plus I need to tell you something." Gigi says smirking at me in silence for awhile.

"Oh spill the beans already." I grunt when I mix up one the files. Shít.

"Well I've found my mate." She grins and throws her head back almost like she was day dreaming about her mate. "He's fine as hellll." She exaggerates. I look at her with a look of shock. While I was away meeting the parents of my mate my bestfriend had found hers as well. It was always a dream for us to find our mates together. At one point when were seven we even discussed being eachothers mate or just sharing one not knowing it wasn't possible because we were so close.

She begans to babble on to me about the amazing night she had with Desmond, her mate. I listen to it all. I'm more of a listener than a talker.

"And let me tell you he can eat pus-" that's when I cut her off. Trust me I've heard enough of her sex stories.

"OK. Didn't you say he was an Alpha? Which pack?" I ask. Seriously I wanted to know this, because I wanna know when I can see my bestfriend.

"Moonlight Pack. Right next to your new pack. This is so cool! We're gonna be Lunas together," She squeals completely forgetting about her night with Desmond.


Gigi had left about half an hour ago and she stayed for about an hour. But in that time, I was able to file about two thirds of it and now I'm almost done.

Then again the door burst open to reveal Aiden making a wide smile grow on my face. He shuts the door behind him and locks it. Then he trudges towards me.

"You ready for me?" He asks loosening his tie. He's getting ready to feed.

"Yup. I'm just about done here." I say while unbuttoning my shirt.

He scoops me in his arms and takes me back to his chair. I love when he feeds off of me. You wouldn't think it feels great but it does only with your mate though.

"Ready?" He asks. I could already see his eyes getting darker and his fangs coming out.

I nod smiling at him, "Yup."

I felt him kiss around my neck first then his fangs sink in. I moan out in complete pleasure. His hands squeeze my aśs as he continues sucking my blood.

After a few minutes, I could feel myself weakening causing him to halt cause he could feel it to. He slowly backed away and I laid my head on his shoulder. He pulled out a sanitary wipe and rubbed on my neck to wipe away the blood.

"Well I have a surprise for you." He says while wiping his mouth as well.

"What is it?" I ask but it comes out groggy.

"I planned out the road trip in two weeks with my beta, Matthew, Gigi, and Desmond. It'll last a month." He tells me while rubbing my back.

Yessss! Road trip! Sleep now though I think closing my eyes and I'm out.

QOTD: What is you dream place to visit?

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