Chapter 27

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Jason's mom was the one who opened the door. She was a tall woman with pointed features and her brown hair cut short in layers. Jason looked nothing like her, though. He had his father's features.

"Hi," I greeted Lucy Marx. "Sorry to be here without notice. But is Jason home?"

She smiled kindly. "No problem. You're welcome here anytime. Jason's in his room. Come on in."

"Thanks," I said, returning her smile, and entered the house with David.

We had spent the Saturday afternoon studying. And making out a little too, to be honest, but mainly studying. Eventually we got bored of it and decided to go out for a while. We ended up in a supermarket and bought some chocolates and David, who had been talking to Michael, thought that we should visit Jason with them to cheer him up a bit. He had grown more distant since I had spoken to him the other day and I agreed with David. Jason needed a bit of cheering up.

Lucy left us near the entrance if the corridor that led to Jason's room. I had been here before during the days of our dance practices and a feeling of nostalgia rose inside me. I didn't have time to ponder over it, though, since we had arrived at Jason's bedroom door.

I knocked the door since David had the box of chocolates in his hand. "Come in," Jason called.

We went inside together to see Jason lying on his bed, phone in hand. He looked surprised on seeing us and immediately sat up straight.

"We come bearing gifts," I said with a small smile.

"What?" He asked, confused. "What are you guys doing here?"

David indicated to the bag with chocolates in his hand. "We came to give you this. Thought it might do you some good."

Jason stood up and walked over, taking the bag cautiously. When he removed the box of chocolates, he grinned. "Kit kat? You guys came here to give me kitkat?"

"It is your favorite chocolate," I said. "We thought it might brighten up your day."

"You guys being here brightened up my day," Jason said gratefully. "But thank you."

"So?" David said. "Any big problems today?"

Jason shrugged. "Not really. Unless you count Math problems." He attempted a joke. But I noticed that his hair was messy and his voice dry and his eyes looked sore.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded. "Uh-uh." But he didn't meet my eyes and I could see that he was lying.

"Not this again," I complained.


"You're lying," I said.

Jason raised his eyebrows. "And you say that because . . ?"

I shrugged. "You won't meet my eyes."

"Maybe I don't like looking at your eyes," he said. 

"You're avoiding the topic as well," David pointed out. 

"Fine." Jason sighed. "I was talking to her before you both came in." He held up his phone. "But she eventually stopped replying."

"Did you have an argument?" David questioned.

"Not exactly." Jason shook his head, his shoulders slumped. "We were trying to sort things out but she gave up. . Said it wasn't working and that she'd talk later."

David placed his hand on Jason's shoulder comfortingly. "Sorry, man. But if you're willing, let's forget about her for a while, okay?"

Jason tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean?"

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