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"Neeeeewt!"I screamed  from my hammock,slightly opening the door.

I was hurt.Badly hurt.My now bare chest hurt so bad.If only I was able to stop the pain.

"Sup Y/n?"He casually said ,attempting  to get in but I stopped him.I was half naked .I didn't want him to see me.

"Okay what's wrong?"He stated and I hold back a laugh which was caused by his thick and apparently funny British accent.

My face got serious."Look this might me really awkward but you're the so-called second-in-command and one of my close friends so..."I explained and he nodded,trying to look me through the gap between us.

"Tell me"He said."My chest hurts like hell and I'm too shy to go to the Med-Jack's"I explained once again and he opened his mouth to talk but I understood and talked first.

"I don't let you in because Im kind of
...naked"I explained while blushing."I see"He awkwardly giggled.


I wore a stripped shirt and exited the room with an unreadable expression.

He looked at me and I tried to smile but the chest pain stopped me.

We didn't talk,but simply walked to the Med-Jack's hut.I had no time for conversations anyway.

He opened the door for me and I entered without talking.

"Hey!"Jeff greeted us with a smile but instantly fopened when he saw my hurt face.

"What is it?"He asked and Newt glared at him."Y/n here has a chest pain"I laid in the bed as Newt explained the situation to Jeff.

Jeff looked at me.A worried face spread across my face and I nodded for him to start.

"Umm...you need to take off your shirt "He stated and I took of my shirt.I looked at the window and felt eyes on me.Newt-NEWT!I had completely forgot that Newt was there standing and watched me with my bra.

It took me 5 minutes to realise that I was blushing.

"Okay,you can pull on your shirt again."I nodded and tried to grab my shirt only to realise that it wasn't where I left it.

I look at Newt and saw that he had my shirt,grinning.Jeff looked at me and left the room,mumbling something I couldn't really understand.

"Shit"I mumbled as I slowly looked down."Can I have my shirt please?"I stated in a really really bad British accent.

He chuckled and raised his left eyebrow.

"That shirt?"He said motioning to my shirt which he was holding.

I would get up and grab it but I was frozen.

He ,then, approached me with a sly smirk.He was really close.Our noses almost touching.

I held tighter the bed as we made eye-contact.He kept looking up and down to my eyes and my lips.

But stepped back when he realised what was happening.He gave me a genuine smile which I gladly returned.

He handed me my shirt and came closer to me.

His lips were now really close to my ear.I could feel his hot breath against my ear.

"See you around love"He whispered and swiftly exited the room.

I released a breath and wore my shirt again.I got off the bed and quickly ran to the door.

I was about to open it but someone opened it for me.

It was Newt.Obviously.

"We're you looking through the key hole?"I asked pretending to be shocked when I really wasn't."Maybe"he told me and winked at me but left before I could talk.

Hey!Sup?I plan on writing a Thomas and a Minho imagine and a preference tomorrow but I'm sure this won't happen.Sorry XD.I don't update like I used to tho.I dunno it's weird...



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