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Minho:Wattpad.You love it but he only likes it because of your books.And since it's Mhino we are talking about ,he loves your Minho imagines and he always smirks when he's reading them.

Newt:Pinterest.This is your life and you always spent your time there.He didn't knew what that was at first but he was curious so he downloaded.He is now obssed! (Angellina55 is my account name.FOLLOW ME IF YOU HAVE A  PINTEREST ACCOUNT AND YOU ARE KINDA OBSSESED JUST LIKE ME!)

Thomas:Musical.ly.He doesn't make his own musical.lies but he loves yours and he thinks you are an amazing muser.

Gally:Twitter.He introduced you to the app and you loved it.All those hilarious tweets are life and Ugghhh...

Aris:Instagram.He is impressed by those sexy photos of yours ,he admits and you can't help smiling because he is the cutest thing ever.

Hello internet(lol I was serious)!First things first,how many of you have a Pinterest account?If you have one,write your account name and perhaps I will follow you!Secondly,Do you watch Eurovision?Guys this year our song rocks .Well cyprus'song is better but the Greek one is awesome as well.If you haven't heard the songs yet ,you can search "Gravity" by someone-I-dont-remember ,Cyprus 2017 and "This is love" by Demy ,Greece.Yup,that's all I think!I'll try to write an imagine too but I dunno...BB😚😚


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