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"Y/n!"Chuck yelled and I turned to face him,only to find him sitting with Teresa,Minho,Thomas and Newt next to the fire.We had a bonfire and I didn't want to join them ,so I just sat alone leaning on a log ,thinking about things.

"What,Chuckie?"I asked,patiently waiting for the time they'll leave me alon-"Come and play truth or dare with us!"And no.

"FINE"I groaned.I stand up and walked towards them.I sat next to Thomas,facing Minho.Minho was an incredibly attracti-What the klunk y/n!He doesn't like you back ,neither he wants to kiss you and ask you out,and neither he is imaging you being his girl-Oh my God!I think I'm falling for the Asian boy...

"I go first!"Chuck said excitedly."Truth or dare...umm Teresa?"Chuck asked and Teresa answered 'truth'.

"Have you ever had a crush on anyone?"Chuck asked with a huge smile on his face.I giggled and Teresa glared at me,which lead to making me laugh louder.
I stopped and Teresa nodded.Minho raised his eyebrows -which was an  extremely hot move ,in my opinion -and took a sip of his drink-which made me melt-

"Okay,my turn"Teresa said ,breaking the awkward silence."y/n"she said and I looked at her."Truth or Dare?"She asked with a sly smile.Oh klunk.

Since I wanted to avoid Truth,I picked Dare."Dare"I said ,showing how brave I am at times.

"I dare you to kiss Newt"she said.She always thought that  me and Newt would be a great couple ,although she knows my feelings for Minho.

Newt looked at me and nodded.He leaned and I leaned too.We got closer and closer and closer...till my eyes caught an angry/jealous/bored/annoyed Minho leaving us and I pulled back.

I'll kill ya I mouthed to Teresa and she just smiled.Ughhh.I got up and ran towards the Deadheads.

Deadheads:the only place I can find my peace and quite.

I walked ,trying to find my favourite spot when I tripped and fell down on top of...Minho?!?

"I'm so sorry I -"he didn't let me finish "Why are you here?"he asked,with no emotion in his face."I come here whenever I want to stay alone"I explained and he gave me  a look.A sad one.

I got up and helped him get up ,right after.He started walking and I followed him.He was so damn beautiful.

After five minutes of walking, I interrupted the silence.

"I didn't kiss him,Minho"I said ,knowing that's the reason he left.He stopped and looked at me.I stopped too a few steps after."You didn't?"he asked,his eyes were full of worry.I shook my head and got closer to him.We didn't talk for a minuite.

"Come on,"he said and grabbed my hand."Where are we going?"I asked curious.

"You'll see..."He said ,not looking at me.

He then made a weird move and sat down.I looked around and saw a pond with colourful flowers sourounding it.I sat down too ,amazed by the view in front of me.Even though ,I was here for one year,I had never seen this place before.

"Wow"I spoke,because I couldn't say anything else anyway."Beautiful..."I continued and I swear I heard him mumbling under his breath 'not as much as you though'.And I smiled.

"Do you like me?"I asked trying to seem cool(I think I failed though)."Maybe"He  said and I looked in his eyes.Damn,his eyes...

He approached me and without realizing his soft lips were already on mine.The kiss lasted twenty seconds or so.It was passionate though.He laid down and I laid on his chest,being able to hear his heart beat.

"I love you"He stated looking at the sky."Good that,"I whispered and continued "because I like you too"I finished and I smiled.But he was smiling too.I couldn't see him or his smile.But I could feel it.Just like we were one.

What a night!I thought as I closed my eyes.

I was bored so here ya are!That one was soo bad but oh well...Btw I bought TFC and I start reading it tommorow.*does happy dance*I'm sure excited.That's all for now.BB


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