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"Y/n what do you think?"Oh klunk!The keepers were at a Gathering to talk about Thomas punishment and I ,instead of paying attention, was staring Thomas.Thomas ,by the way,was my crush for 2 months,since he came in the Glade.

"Y/n!"Alby yelled again moving his hand up and down in front of me.

"Yeah!Sorry,"I jumped ,scared,blushing a bit."It's okay,but what do you think of Thomas"he added."Ummm...I believe that punishing Thomas is useless and practically wastes our time because he saved your life,survived a night in the maze and if we make him a runner he might find a way out.The way out ,we were looking for two bugging years"I explained and Thomas looked me with a face that said'exactly!' or 'I owe you' or something.

"Fine,"Alby started "how many off you agree with Winston ?"he asked and three to four hands were raised.
"What are about Y/n's opinion?"he suggested and all the other keepers raised their hands.I was soo happy and Thomas was too.I could see it in his eyes.Until Gally spoke.

"Shanks,what are you even talking about?He broke our 1st rule ever!He deserves to be punished!"Gally shouted and I frowned.

"Shut up slinthead !"Me and Thomas called at the same time.We looked at each other and then back at Gally.I could feel my own head blushing.

"Okay,okay,okay!"Newt said in order to stop the Gladers shouts but he failed.
Since Newt failed it was my turn.So I screamed.It was a loud scream so everyone looked at me with confused faces.I smiled and sat down calmly.

"Thank you Y/n,"Newt giggled and I replied 'whenever'.

"I made my desicion"he said full of confident."One night in the pit with no food or water."He finished and Gally gave him a 'Seriously dude?' look.


Today it was the bonfire but Newt was busy and so was Minho so I had no company.Being the usual y/n I am,I searched for Thomas.I always search either Thoma or Chuck when Newt and Mhino can't be with me.

Thomas was in the pit and he must be starving.He couldn't attend the bonfire and he couldn't eat because of the punishment but he was my friend and that's why I couldn't just let him without food.

I ran towards the kitchen and hid behind a table Frypan had to put some ingredients and things he needs.Frypan was in there so I had to hid for a while.
I was about to get up but Alby came in and I hid again."Close shave"I whispered to myself and got up once he exited the building.

I grabbed two applesand hid them behind my back.I carefully left and close quietly the door.I didn't want to be caught ,so I ran towards the pit which was really quiet since everyone was away ,gathered around the Bonfire.


I was sitting in the pit,trying to remember something while trying to avoid the annoying sound my tummy made.After failing miserably at trying to remember,I started looking for a brunch to draw in the sand.When I looked up I saw Y/n running towards me.Damn,she was so beautiful.I've loved her since I came in the box.

"Hey"she half whispered half shouted."hey y/n/n"I said casually and she looked around as she was trying to see if anyone's around."Here,"she said showing me two apples which I assume she had stolen from the kitchen so I could eat."Thank you I was starving!"I exclaimed and she giggled while I took a bite.She giggled beautifully.

"So,what have you been doing?"she asked curious and I thought about it."Well,I tried to remember but failed."I said in an 'obviously'tone the last part and she nodded."And I drew with a branch in the sand!"I said like a little kid as I realised I had eaten both of the apples.

"Thank you though,"I said ,looking down in my childish drawing."What for?"she asked confused and I immidiately answered."Ya know...for defending me before"I stated shyly and looked at her,to my surprise she was staring at me with a smile in her face.

"You knew I would"she began and continued"You are my friend.A really close one to be honest"Did I just got friend-zoned I thought and frowned.

"How about you go sleep and we will talk tommorow?You can't stay here all night anyway,"I said trying to find an excuse so I can stay alone."Are you sure?"She asked and I nodded"Good night!"She yelled from far away and sent kisses in the air.I laughed and laid down ,desperately trying to sleep.

"WAKEY WAKEY"I heard someone yelling and I got up only to see a smirking Mhino.I made a sad face and looked down."Well,I love you too"he said sarcastically and I looked up once again.

"Sorry just-"I said but he cut me off"you were expecting y/n."he guessed ."Yes actually"I said surprised.

"Shank, you fall hard for her,"he stated and I mumbled under my breath an 'I know...'.

I was running but not really.What do I mean?I was running but not even paying attention since I was thinking of Y/n.I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice a wall straight in front of me.Mhino started laughing with the sound that my head made when it hit the wall.I giggled along after realizing what was happening.

"Thinking about y/n again,right?"He said half groaning.
"Maybe..."I replied and he gave me an are you sure?'look so I said 'fiiine'."I was thinking of her"I added and he smiled.

"When are you two planning to kiss and marry?"He said ,leaning against a wall.I rolled my eyes while thinking about whether my replie should be sarcastic or serious.I thought again do a second as I took my desicion.Half sarcastic-half serious it is !

"Dude...I don't even know if she likes me back?"I didn't prevent to finish and he did a 'done' face."this is what she told me.Well not exactly but still!"He said ,looking so done."You think I should tell her?"I asked seeming insecure.He nodded and then ran again towards the other direction this time.We were heading to the Glade and I was going to confess my feelings to New-ummm I mean y/n.



I was working on the Med-jack hut when Thomas came in my view.

"Be careful with your feet,they are not plastic"I teased Ben and he nodded.He thanked me and I gave him a smile ,patiently waiting for the time Thomas was going to,finally,approach me.And he did.

I was about to greet him but he stopped me "HEY,I got no time to kill because if I don't map, Mhino will kill me so how about in Deadheads after Dinner?"He finished taking a breath.I nodded and kissed him on the cheek as I left for dinner.

I placed my place on the sink and washed my hands ready to go to the Deadheads.

The whole time I was thinking about what was he going to tell me.Until a shadow started walking towards me.I almost klunk my pants ,so I got up and run.

"Wait!"The boy shouted and I stopped because I recognised the voice.It was Thomas for sure.I turned my head and saw an exhausted Thomas with his hands on his knees.

"You serious?I almost klunked my pants!"I yelled and he laughed.
"Sorry,"he managed to say in between laughs."you at one fast shank,"he said and I took a step.He took one then I did and without even realizing it my lips were on his,moving in sync.

"I love you,"he stated smiling,our noses still touching."I love me too"I spoke and he looked at me with a weird face.I laughed and corrected myself"Correction.I love YOU too"I laughed again and he did too this time.

Hey!This may sound stupid but I've been writing this for 3 days! I had no time so I wrote small parts every day.I have no time to look for grammar or spelling mistakes so I'm sorry for this...LOVE YA!GOTTA STUDY!BB


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