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He is so jealous of him when you are together.You've explained your relationship with Mhino to Newt,million times but he doesn't seem to understand.

You three are the best buddies in the whole Glade.Once Newt called you 'Gossip buds'and since then ,it is a thing in the Glade.It kinda gets old but you like it.

Thomas hates how much you love Gally since they never got along.He tried to stop you from seeing him and Gally tried to convince you breaking up with Thomas but you never listened to them.Gally told you that if you were happy with him ,it's okay with him.

You may or may not spent the whole day in the kitchen with Frypan instead of working with the Builders.You didn't like your job as a builder although you got to work with your boyfriend.Eventually,Gally understood that and convinced Alby to change your job to a cook.

Harriet and Aris used to be best friends before you arrived there but when you did ,Harriet left Aris alone and started hanging out with you more.Aris didn't like that even if you were his girlfriend.

Hello! Imma updating again today after ...3 days!Any ideas for a Thomas imagine?Anyways, good news!I'm thinking of starting a book with TMR CAST imagines and a rant book but I dunno...I'd love to know your thoughts about that!Love ya 😍😍BB


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