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He then made a sudden move.He grabbed his backpack and ran outside."where are ya going?"I said noticing my own accent."I'll go find her.I still love her Newt"he said ,crying a little."Hola back ,superman"I stated and he turned to face me."If someone should go find her,that won't be you for sure."I said and changed my mind right after."We'll go together,"I said and then a voice interrupted us "I'm coming too"I turned and saw a sweaty Thomas"I care about her as much as you do"he finished.

"Okay ,let's go"I said and made a gesture that said 'let's go'.We were going to find my little sister.Today.


"Okay,let's go"Newt spoke and made a 'let's go' gesture.

I loved Y/n.I really did.Liv meant nothing to me,just a friend.Thats what she was ,she was just a friend.


We were walking for four hours and a couple of minuites when Thomas shouted "y/n".Both,me and Newt,turned our faces towards the direction Thomas was pointing.

Then I saw her.She was lying on the ground.Unconscious.Not really far.

I saw Newt running ,fast,although he had a limp (sorry,I had to).He cared so much about her,so much.In fact she was his little sister ,he should care.But I love her and that's different.So,I ran too.


I was walking in the scorch with all those memories passing through my mind.I was so distracted by my thoughts that I didn't saw three pass the Gone cranks coming towards me.

When I saw them,it was late.One of them stung me and I felt my eyes closing .I was alone,stung and hungry since my food was over hours ago.


When we approached her,I fell down on my knees so I can see her better.She was pale.Really pale and she also had a couple of scratches.It was Minho's turn to sink on his knees and examine her.Then Thomas started lifting her clothes .At first I didn't get it but then I followed his actions.Minho ,though,didn't move just looked at her ,sobbing and mumbling something under his breath.

"HERE!"I yelled and pointed her tummy which was stung.Minho came closer ,touched her tummy slightly and said "It's not that bad ,let's take her ba-"he said and made a movement as if he was going to carry her in his back but I stopped him.He was my best friend but y/n was my sister and I want to protect her.

"I think I should carry her"I suggested and he immidiately disagreed"No,look ,I love her ,I still do.I think if I carried her I might make things better."I said and it was Thomas turn to talk"What about Liv?"he asked."She is just a friend ,I know that she might got closer than she should and ...the kiss.The kiss ...I didn't kiss back,I swear,I tried to pull back but it was too late"he explained.

"Fine"I said and let him ,carry her.


I woke up in a big tent,but how did I came here?Oh no.I know.I remember.

I got stun by a bunch of cranks,felt a pain and fell down unconscious.Someone(maybe Minho)found out ,read the letter and came to save me.The question is, who found out?

When ,I came back to reality ,I saw Minho sleeping next to me in a chair.

Maybe he found me ,with Newt and Thomas.Does he care about me ?Does he still love me or he just felt guilty?I had lots of questions but for now ,I decided to stand up.

I stand up and looked at Mhino.I didn't want to wake him up ,so I quietly tried to get out but I failed.Miserably.

"Y/n"Minho whispered in shock "you are awake!Oh how muck I mis-"he continued and tried to hug me but I stepped back.The excited look on his face ,turned into a sad expression ,which made me wanna hug him.But I didn't.

"I know,that you don't trust me anymore.Maybe don't even love me ,but I do.Umm the kiss was nothing ,I didnt kiss back,Liv is just a friend nothing more and you ...you ,y/n,are my everything.I won't pressure you,of course but just think of it"he explained and I looked at him.

Oh ,how could I not forgive ,such a person as Mhino?He was gorgeous inside and out.

I didn't want to talk ,so I just kissed him and ,eventually, he kissed back.When I pulled back I smiled and he had ,also,the brightest smile.

"So..."he said and rub his neck with his hand ,shyly."back together?"he finished.And I giggled "We never split up"I said and he chuckled too.

"I love you"He whispered ,but I heard it.He grabbed me and picked me up."Real or not real?"I whispered in his neck."Real"he answered and kissed me.

Hey there !I dedicate this to devanshidas,because she asked for this.Go check her account ,she is amazing!What about a part 3?I have something in mind but I'm not sure.Btw guys I imagine Liv like -Dove Cameron -Liv from 'Liv and Maddie' .

Btw guys I imagine Liv like -Dove Cameron -Liv from 'Liv and Maddie'

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