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"so how long have you been here?"He asked,I could see the curiosity  in his eyes.I sighed while looking at his beautiful eyes.

"for two years"I stated and looked down to the floor.I hated my life here.I had no friends at all-except him-and I spent my time schooling.It's really boring.

"so...?"."since I was six"I interrupted him and he nodded.

"and you?"I asked as I made myself more comfortable in the small couch we were sitting.

"I've been here since I was six too.Two years of my life were spent in this miserable place"he said and I nodded.Story of my life,I thought and sighed once again.

"So you're only eight?"I questioned and he reaised an eyebrow."why?"I shrugged and tried to think of an answer."you just look older.Not really older,a year or two maybe"I explained and he nodded.

I was about to grab a glass of water from the table but I accidentaly tripped and fell on him.I just messesed up.

I wanted to apologise so I looked up only to be lost in his little puppy eyes.We made eye-contact for a minuite until he coughed a bit.I awkwardly got off him and looked up,feeling my entire face going red."I'm sorry"I apologised and finally drunk some water.

He laughed and I was pretty sure he did because of my awkward-ness.That made me laugh too which obviously made me spit my water.What's wrong with me today ?seriously.

He looked up to me with a disgust face and laughed."eww"he said and got up to get some tissues from the table."I need normal friends"he whined and I smiled."Oh come on.You love both me and my company."I laughed and he giggled.

"Well actually-"he started but I cut him off ,shooting him a death glare."I mean yes I enjoy your company so much,it hurts"he said ironicly but I was satisfied and he seemed to notice.

"Besides I'm your only friend anyway.I'm afraid you're stuck with me for life"I laughed and he mouthed "Ditto".

He then made a weird move and touched the wet couch.I was confused at first but once I understood what he wanted to do I chuckled.He wanted to fix his hair apparently.

"Oh babe you know your hair are perfect with or without fixing them"I laughed at first and he did too,but then I notice I had said 'babe' and I automatically blushed.

"Oh dont hide your blush BABE,its cute"He imitated me and chuckled,I blushed even more which caused him to laugh even harder.

He stopped when we heard some footsteps."They're coming"he whispered and I nodded.

The door finally opened and revealed an angry mister Levitt.

"You messed everything up!"He exclaimed and we laughed.

"She did,actually"Minho pointed at me as I hit his arms."Anyways,I'll clean up later.We dont have time,you need rest."He stated and lead us outside of the small room.

We walked for a bit until we arrived in front of Minho's room door.He waved at me and we walked again towards my room.I thought a bit again and ran to him fast to catch him before he could get in his room.

He looked at me confused and I was blushing again so I quickly kissed his cheek and ran again.I couldnt see him but I knew he was blushing.I just knew.

Hello!3 words:THAT.WAS.CUTE.I was inspired by Thomas and Teresa's experience in WICKED from TFC and I'm pretty sure you understood that!I know I dont update as frequently as I used to but I don't have much time lately.Eventually,Summer break starts and I'll be free.Three months of countless updates of this book.Lol jk I'll be quite busy at summer too.Let's just hope I won't be as busy as I am now.LOVE YA ALL😘😘😗


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