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I was looking at my notebook which was full of things I wrote at the Glade.We had escaped two years ago and I found my notebook in a box I was given.My attention caught a little quote I wrote once.

'The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies'.I read.

I remember when I wrote that.How could I forget?I have move on.I have forgive but I'll never forget.Ever.

I sat on my bed trying to recall the memories which came immidiately.


"I'm coming,Thomas!"I screamed at my impatient boyfriend."Where are you?"I asked ,fixing my clothes."Bathroom"He answered and I ran to our bathroom door.

I had my own bathroom in my hammock since I was the only girl but now I am a couple with Thomas and we share a hammock.We are now three girls and we are great friends.I have a special relationship with one of them though.Her name is Kate and we are best friends.

I opened the door which revealed Thomas and Kate kissing.What the shuck?!?

I ,accidentally,sobbed and they both looked at me.I started crying and they bpth looked at each other than to me.They were worried but it was like they wanted me to see them together.

I couldn't just sit anymore.I quietly exited the room without talking at all.I closed the door and stand outside ,to think what I should do now.

I should go to Olivia I thought.Olivia was my other friend.We weren't as close as I was with Kate but still great friends.

I didn't even realise how I arrived at her hammock.I had no strength to know ,so I just bursted in.

I saw her and Newt hugging and I immidiately run out of the room.

What the klunk is bappening today?!?Ummm Frypan maybe?Yup,I'll go to Frypan.

"Hey Frypan"I greeted and wiped the tears as fast as I could.He was cooking something which smelled great.

"You were crying?"He asked turning to me.He sat and I nodded."How did you understand?"I asked ,not being able to hold back the tears.

"Well,firstly your voice is like you were crying two hours without stopping and secondly you are as red as this tomato"He said pointing at a tomato on the table.

"What's the matter?"He asked more curious than worried."Thomas cheated on me with Kate and Olivia was hugging Newt and I have no one to cry to!"I sobbed and he nodded.

"THEY BETTAYED ME!"I screamed and he lifted my chin.

"Chin up princess or the crown slips"he stated .Somehow this simple phrase seemed to give me power.

"But she was my bestie and we did everything together ...How could she?"I yelled and he looked at me ,worried now.

"Oh darling!Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for ,ends up being behing the gun."He explained and that only made me cry more.

"Come on!Let's bring Thomas and Kate to ask for some explanations.I am sure they would be glad to give some."He exclaimed and I was about to talk but he stopped me.

"Nope.I'm bringing 'em anyway.No need to talk."I sighed ,aware of how stubborn Frypan was.He exited the room and Newt and Olivia entered.

"Y/n what's wrong?"Newt asked and they both sat down.Newt was next to me and he had his hands on my my back,rubbing it slowly.They both seemed worried and Newt seemed to be even more than Olivia.

"Okay...How about you tell us what happened and I'll make some coffee?"Olivia asked and I nodded.

"Great..."Newt whispered and I wiped away my tears ready to talk.

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