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This is an AU so you aren't the only girl in the maze ,there are actually 3 girls.Enjoy;))


"NO Teresa !"you exclaimed.Your friends,Teresa, Stella and Nefeli,have been making fun of you because you don't have a boyfriend and it was really annoying.

"We all have boyfriends except little y/n/n (your nickname)"Stella commented."So?"I responded ,really annoyed."Well,go get yourself one"Teresa said while laughing and pushed me to the door."Leave me alone"you hissed but they kept on laughing.


I was walking towards the girls hammock to talk to y/n about a new section we discovered but when I was ready to walk in I heard the girls picking on y/n because she had no boyfriend.How I wish I was her boyfriend.

"We all have boyfriends except little y/n/n "Stella said."So?"y/n responded pretty anger ."Well,go get yourself one"Teresa said, laughing and pushed het  towards  the door."Leave me alone"she hissed but they kept on laughing.

I couldn't stand it anymore.Why would they make fun on such a beautiful and kind girl ?So,I broke in.

"Hey babe,"I spoke and kissed her on the lips for a good one minuite. It was awesome like we were meant to be.The girls stared back and forth to me and her ,surprised."Hey"she said shyly and I secretly winked at her she seemed to understand because then she said "Can we talk?" .I nodded but she glared at the girls and whispered 'privately'.The girls then walked out ,shocked.


We were shocked.since when were they dating ?We all wondered.All three of us had a boyfriend.I had Thomas ,Stella had Newt and Nefeli had  Gally.But did she  really had Minho as a boyfriend?


I've always had a crush on Minho but I was always too shy and too stubborn to confess my feelings for him or even admitted.I loved his smile,his muscles ,his sassy remarks and how kind he could be to me.When he kissed me ,I felt dizzy but I eventually kissed back.

I asked if we could talk because I wanted to know if he did that because he was sorry or because he wanted to.

"I'm sorry I-I..."he muttered but I interrupted him"You wanted to?"I asked aware of the rejection I will get."What?"he spoke confused and I immediately replied with a 'Did you do it by force because you felt sorry for me or because you liked me?"I said and a tear slipped down my cheek."No I don't like you..."he said ready to finish his sentence but I couldn't just stand there listening to him rejecting me.I just couldn't.So I made my journey to the deadheads .

After an hour or so of crying my eyes out, heard slight steps."Y/n??"Minho said,I knew it was him.I could recognise his voice from miles away."Leave me alone"I barked ,the last thing I wanted right now was to talk to people."I never finished my sentence ,you know."he said."I need to finish that sentence"he added and stared at me,like my face suddenly became interesting.

"Finish it"I commanded ,quietly though.He strolled towards me and sat on his kness so he could face me."I don't like you.I love you.I do for a long time.I felt sorry for you because I love you and I couldn't just stand there ,listening to some Shanks picking on the love of my life for not having a boyfriend."he explained and I mentally smiled."I see..."I said keeping my face down.And then I jumped onto him and  knocked him down."I love ya too slinthead."I stated and kissed him and of course he kissed back.

"Be my girlfriend?"he asked and I could feel his warm breath."Of course"I said and smiled widely.I was doing the 'we did it'dance in my head ,I would do it out loud but I didnt want to seem weird and creepy in front of my new boyfriend.When I snapped out of my thoughts ,I saw a smiling Mhino staring at me like I was the only thing that could make him smile.

"I think we should go back ,Newt will be propanly worried about us "I stated while standing up and brushing my hands in my jean.Newt is my brother and he is  always  too worried about me."Yeah..."he mumbled and we made our way to the glade.


I was helping the gladers with the bonfire when Thomas told me to bring some woods for the fire.I was ready to go when in my view came Minho and y/n,hand in hand, walking towards the Glade.Seriously ?They are really a thing ?Maybe.


I was looking for y/n every where,I had asked every single glader but no one had seen her the las three hours.I was so bloody worried.She is my sister and I'm always worried for her.

I looked every where but no sight of y/n.I asked the girls ,too.They only told me that last time they left her alone with Minho to talk.Minho ,by the way was also missing ,so it was bloody obvious they were together.I have already warned her about how a boy can break her heart ,so she won't fall in love but I was late because when I first warned her she had already a crush on Minho.

Since ,I couldn't find those shanks ,I made my way back to the Glade ,only to see Minho and y/n walking from the deadheads to the Glade.I had looked there but I didn't find them .They are in so much trouble,I thought and walked towards them with the anger raising inside me.

Hey there !I didn't finish this because I thought it was preety big already and I'll go and do a part 2 right now.Hope you liked this one btw.Bb


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