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(Zayns p.o.v.)

"Then he just leaves me in the closet and now I'm here" I say to billy and he smiles "your c-cute when y-you smile" he says and I smile even bigger "well your cuter when you do" I say pecking his lips. All of a sudden Harry comes running into the flat and I hear a door slam then Louis comes storming in and slams his bedroom door shut too.

"I-I'll call Liam" billy says and call Liam and they come over to the flat."so it's all coming back all the feelings everything" Niall says "yep" I say "it's all our faults we set him up with elenore and got him and Harry to break things off like modest said" Liam says.

"wait you guys set elenore up with me" Louis says and we all look to him coming down the stairs "yes we did but we diet want to but modest made us" I say "are you and Harry fighting"marcel says walking into the flat shouting the door behind him.

"what no but hey what are you doing here" Louis says "the lady dropped me off here grandmas at the hospital" he says and Harry runs down the stairs and hugs marcel "I'm so so sorry marcel" he says crying and so is marcel.

"but hey you can stay here with me ok I'll help watch you again I'm sorry I haven't been here for you but I am now ok" Harry says and marcel nods and Harry stands up.

" now let me take you up to my room you can sleep there for the night till we get situated" Harry says leaving upstairs with marcel."what happened with you and Harry" I say.

(Louis p.o.v.)

"Well he kissed me after then I caught up to him and he got so mad and t got me mad and we didn't yell but didn't talk" I say "why don't you say your sorry"Liam says "even if I do he's going to just be mad at me so what's the point" I say.

"the point is that it would mean something" Harry says and I turn around "then why didn't you say sorry for snapping on me" I say and walk over to him "why did you flip on me it makes no sense" "because I like you you dumb ass" he says and runs upstairs and slams the door.

"what" I say and Niall hits me "the fuck Niall" I say sitting down next to him "obviously he still has feelings for you you dumb ass" he says and all the memories of the moments we had things we did things we said all rush into my head and it hits me.

"I like Harry" I say and look around "I like Harry again and I don't think it ever went away that's why I'm always with him or want to be with him and care if he's ok or not cause I like Harry" I say.

"well tell him that before you lose him go" Liam says and I run up to Harry's room and its locked and I hear the door close so I guess the boys went home and I knock on the door.

" Louis leave me alone I don't want to be near you for a while" Harry says "but Harry I-" I say "no I can't be near you for like a week or so so can you please just leave me alone" he says and I get pissed.

"fine then just forget what I had to say" I say and walk into my room then slam the door shut but then I hear a door open then slammed shut and I scream then I walk out and Harry's holding his hand and crying then I grab his bean even though he try's to pull away.

I look at it then make him follow me into my room and wrap up his hand and put an ice pack on it "thanks" he says "no problem now just go" I say and be walks back into the hallway with marcel and two suit cases and then I bear the door shut.

I know he's gone and I just go into his room and see his clothss most of them are gone and so is his blanket I got him its white with link dots and I have the white with blue dots and I lay down on his bed and cover up with my blanket then his comforter over me and I close my eyes breathing in his sent "I'll miss you" I say quietly before falling asleep.

Forever and always (larry/niam fanfiction) *UP FOR REVISIONS*Where stories live. Discover now