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(Louis p.o.v.)

"What was that" I say and we run out of the cane and there's a guy with a gun and Harry faints in my arms and I fall to the floor "no fuck Harry" the guy meals down to me he's wearing a mask so I can't see his face.

" Oh that's a shame Harry had to faint" he says and he sits down next to me "don't worry the gun is out of bullets see" be says and shoots but nothing comes out "you the guy who did this to Harry aren't you" I ask looking at Harry and he laughs "yeah he pushed me I couldn't let him do that" he says and I look up at him.

" What do you want I should just call the cops on you" I say and be laughs again.

"but you won't if you want Harry to live see I know things about you and your friends I know what weakens them and I know you care a lot about Harry and you don't want to see him hurt so lay off of him and stop trying to keep him away from me or else, oh and....I know your secret" he says but whispers the last part in my ear.

" Yeah right like I believe you" I say and be whispers it in my ear "how did you find out" I say "the way I found everything about you a little birdie told me" he says and gets up.

"just remember let Harry do his thing and don't stop him or the person your in love with will get hurt" he says and runs in the direction of the clif and jumps off.i pick up Harry and take him to the water and splash some on his face.

"Louis what happened" he says sitting up and I pick him up and start to head back to the flat "well" he says.

(Liam's p.o.v.)

"What do you mean you two started to talk" Harry says following Louis in the flat "he talked to me there's not much I could have done he did have a gun" Louis says GOIN into the kitchen and Niall and I follow them.

" You said the fun had no more bullets in it I mean you and I both know who that is and you talked with him I mean what the fuck" Harry says.

"look Harry I'm sorry it's just what he said,he said he knew everything about me and that if I try to stop you again he'd kill- some one I really care about" he says and I stand inbetween them "you guys calm down now what happened" I say and louis just stands back.

" It's nothing ok" he says and harry pushes me aside and I almost fall until Niall catches me and I smile "nothing this is huge" he says to Louis "well do you want them to know" Louis says and Harry looks down "see that's what I thought" he says and Harry pushes Louis and Louis hits his side on the side of the counter and be falls.

" HARRY!" Zayn yells and pushes Harry and I push him away "billy get Zayn out of here". Big takes Zayn out side and I help Louis up and make him and Harry sit down at the table and Niall and I sit down next to each other "so do you mind telling us what the fuck happened" Niall says.

"if I wanted you to know I would have told you" Harry says harshly "hey don't be a dick to him" Louis says to Harry "I believe he was asking me a question so why are you talking" Harry says looking at him.

" You know what Harry" Louis says "WHAT" Harry yells "your bent such a idiot why are you yelling at me when I did nothing wrong" Louis says and Harry hits the table "nothing really you- never mind" Harry says crossing his arms and looks away "OK THATS IT YOU TWO ARE ACTING LIKE TWO LITTLE FUCKING KIDS" I yell at them.

" Now if you two aren't making up by the time we get back I'm going to beat the shit out of both of you" I say and get up and leave into the living room with Niall.

"I've never seen you yell was kind of adorable" he says with a blush and I smile and scoot in closer to him on the couch "oh so what I see is you think I'm adorable" I say and he looks up to me and pecks my cheek and stands up.

Forever and always (larry/niam fanfiction) *UP FOR REVISIONS*Where stories live. Discover now