Interview time

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[the next couple of chapters are going to be alot of Louis and Harry's p.o.v.'s]

(Harry's p.o.v)

"Liam can we talk privately please" I say grabbing his arm and dragging him out side into his car where Niall is sleeping in the back so I get out again.

"Harry he gave you a hickey no not one but two that has to mean something" he says and I look down "Liam you know this has happened before and you know it and that week Simon sent me away to spend more time with my mum" I say.

"Harry guess what" Liam says "what" " I'm going out with Niall" he says and I give him a high five "good job Liam" I say and I hear the studio door open and close "um yeah I just tried to cover these up with like make up and it doesn't work" Louis says and I run my hand through my hair.

"we're screwed" I say "no shit we're screwed" Louis says "what if they ask you two where you got them from" Liam says and I just can't take this any moe so I run inside and into a little room I never knew existed.

this room is small it's not a closet it's too big what is this place I find a light switch and turn it on "it's a bed room" I say to my self seeing a bed a little night stand and a dresser."it's a room but why is there a room in here" I say and someone wraps their arms around me from the back.

"I don't know" Louis says and rests his head on my shoulder "Louis I don't want to get in trouble" I say." Well I got a excuse so don't worry" he says "what is it" I say and he starts to move side to side and so do I.

"we were at home partying and got wasted then the hickeys just happened" he says "are you sure it'll work" I say placing my hands on his "I guess we'll find out tomorrow" he says.

" Why can't we just tell the fans the truth I mean I hate lying to them all they ever do is help is bu we lie to the I mean I lie to them every day of my life and so does Niall and I guess now we have even more to hide with billy and zayn and Liam and Niall and the fans had to find out Liam was broken up with Lisa by a tweet and that's not right it angers me that we have to hide a lot of things I have to hide most of my life and lie about it all the time I just can't take it any more Louis I hate lieing and hideing about who I am who we all are" I say and Louis kisses my cheek.

"it'll hopefully all change soon love" he says and I smile "I hope it does" I say "so do I" he says and lets go of me but grabs my hand and starts to walk.

" Where are you taking me" I say but he doesn't say anything and keeps on walking then we get to a ladder and we climb up and now we're on the roof.then my phone rings "hello.what I thought it was 10 am.ok we're on our way bye" I say and put my phone away "what is it" Louis says.

"we have to go our interview is in an hour" I say about to get up but Louis pulls me back down "we are only 10 minutes away let's stay here for a little" he says "ok but if we get in trouble it's your fault" I say and he just lays down and makes me too and messes with my hair.

"this is fun curly don't you think" he says " yeah but I think it's not fair that you have more nicknames for me than I do for you" I say and he chuckles "no you have Lou-" "that doesn't count" I say.

"ok you have boo bear Lou Lou and Lou so be happy curly" he says and I smile "see already better" he says and I close my eyes and I feel someone's lips on mine they have to be Louis when I open my eyes he's gone left.

(Louis p.o.v.)

Louis what the fuck is wrong with you why did you just kiss Harry now he's going to be weirded out by you fuck."Louis wait" I bear Harry yell and I turn around and he jumps on me and we land on the floor.

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