Niall to the rescue

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(Niall's p.o.v.)

" the hell Liam it's 3 in the morning" I say still half asleep "wait what's wrong" I say sitting up "Liam calm down and tell me what's wrong. Liam please tell me. Ok I'm on my way" I say putting on my slippers and grabbing my car keys then run to my car.

" STUPID FUCKING CAR WORK!!" I yell in my car then I get out this piece of shit car I need a new one."zayn let me barrow your car" I say jumping on zayn " Niall it's in the shop I can't lend it to you, why do you need it anyways?" he asks and I just get up and I start to run to Liam's house.

it isn't that far I mean all of us live in the same neighbor hood and the thing is people don't freak out any more here I mean they're so used to us we can get out and walk around. And the town is has everything so we can walk wrong sure some girls are freaking out and some paps' but it's not bad.

It's been at least 5-10 minutes to finally get to his house and I start banging on the door "LIAM, LIAM!!" I yell but no one answers.

that's when I remembers he keeps a spare key in the pot under the dirt then I grab the key open the door and put it in my pocket I'm keeping this for now on. I walk inside and close the door and notice the broken picture frames, and beer bottles "fuck Liam what happened" I say quietly and notice his dog shadow run down the stairs and I start to run upstairs.

When I get upstairs I notice more beer bottles something bad mist have happened to get Liam to drink I walk into his room and I see him on the bed crying his eyes out curled up into a ball." oh Liam" I say and he looks up to me then gets up and hugs me " N-NIA-ALL!!"ue screens and I just sigh.

"what happened to you Liam" I whisper in his ear and he just falls back onto his bed still hugging me so I fall with him "Liam please tell me your not drunk" I say to him and he lets to of me and we sit up " n-no I t-took a sip a-and just threw a-all of them a-at walls" he said calmed down a little bit.

"what happened to you Liam I've never seen you like this" I say and he sighs with a shaken voice " she cheated on me" he says and looks down playing with his fingers. I've always knew their relationship would end up in Liam's heart breaking I never trusted her "I'm so sorry Liam a she doesn't deserve you she's a piece of-" I say until Liam covers my mouth with his hand.

" Niall please" He says still looking down and he takes his hand away from my mouth and I take his hand and hold it." look Liam I know I'm not good at curing people's heart breaks" I say and he looks at me "I know" he says "but I am really sorry that she did that to you you don't deserve any of this but I think we should start thinking positive I know it's going to be hard at first but eventually it'll get easier and better" I say and he gives me a small smile.

" thank you Niall for everything even coming here at 3 in the morning-wait I didn't here your car" he says "yeah my shity car wasn't working and zayns was in the shop so I ran here" I say and his smile grows bigger.

"that means lot to me that you ran here I feel special" he says and I laugh and so does he "thanks Niall I needed that" he says and I smile and he just stares at me "what do I have something on my face" I ask him and he just stares until,


I froze there not doing anything.....


Then I close my eyes and lean more into the kiss I don't know what got over me it's just like it felt right really right. He puts his hand on my cheek and I grab it pulling away from him "n-Niall I-I'm so s-sor-ry" he stutters to me and I just get up and run out of his house I just run and run and run and I hear Liam calling after me running as well I hate it cause he's a really fast runner but I get to my house and lock the door once I get inside.

Forever and always (larry/niam fanfiction) *UP FOR REVISIONS*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum