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(Liam's p.o.v.)

Niall and I rush upstairs to Harry's room to see his lamp broken and him sitting down on his bed." Harry are you ok" I say sitting down next to him "no now Louis is mad at me and I hate it when he's mad at me..... I'm sorry I scared you guys" he says calmer at the end.

"it's ok Harry just be care full ok" Niall says cleaning up all the glass and throws it away and sits down next to me and he grabs my hand and I can feel my self blush.

'' why do I like Niall people would just think he would just be a rebound but I really do love Niall'." Liam you ok" Harry asks and I get up still holding Niall's hand "yeah why don't see all just go down stairs" I say and we all go down stairs to see zayn on the couch "where's Louis" Niall asks as we sit down but not Harry.

" I couldn't find him" he says "I now where he is i'll be back" Harry says leaving and non of us bother to follow him "I have to go take a pee i'll be back" Niall says and gets up lets to of my hand and leaves.

" You like Niall" zayn says and I look down "see I knew it why don't you tell him he obviously likes you too" zayn says and I look back up to him "I can't because it'll look like I'm using him as a rebound-wait he doesn't like me he can't like me he only sees me as a friend" I say and zayn laughs.

"sure keep telling yourself that" he says and I hit him in he shoulder." You know he likes you and you like him you never know unless you try" he says again."try what" Niall says and sits down next to me.

(Zayns p.o.v.)

" Try to date this person he likes" I say and Liam gives me a 'I'm going to kill you' glare "oh really who do you like" Niall says "no one zayns messing with you" he says and I laugh "no I'm not he likes-" I say and Liam tackles me to the floor and covers my mouth.

"shut up zayn before you regret it" he says and I lick his hand and he gets up "damn t zayn" he says wiping off his hand and I stand up "he likes you,you stupid blonde" I say and Liam's eyes widen.

" H-he w-what" Niall says stuttering and I quickly run away before Liam can get me and I run into the forest."ok they won't find me in here now why don't I go find Louis and Harry and see if they're sucking each others faces off" I say and start to walk and I run into Louis and we fall.

" Sorry zayn you ok" Louis says helping me up "yeah I'm fine hey did Harry and you make up" I say and he gives me a confused look.

"Harry never came to get me I was going to go inside-wait did he come looking for me I know where he is just go home we'll be back later" he says running away and I head back to the flat and I'm not shocked at what I see


"that's my boy" I say and start to head back to my flat it's not like any of them would miss me I mean they're all busy I get it.


"fuck" I say holding my arm that I just landed on "oh shit I'm so sorry" the guy says and helps me up and I see it's billy a guy who works with us." billy what are you doing down here" I say "oh um y-you forgot y-your wal-let" he says and hands me my wallet "thanks I need this" I say and put it in my pocket.

" hey while your down her want to come over to my flat the boys are all busy" I say and he nods his head and we start to head to my flat "you know you don't have to be shy with every one right" I say and he nods his head not saying any thing.

" and you don't talk that much and when you do you stutter a lot" I say "I know i-I stut-ter a l-lot it's just w-who I-I a-am" he says quietly "well I can help you get over this" I say looking down to him. he's the same age as me he's just a little shorter than others like Louis "r-really y-you c-can" he says again and I laugh "yeah I can" I say and we get to my house and I let him and close the door.

" th-this flat I-is b-big" he says stuttering "yeah it is Niall and I share this flat that's why" I say and be sits down on the couch "ok now try as hard as you can to say a full sentence with out stuttering" I say and he nods.

"" he says and I clap "great see already getting better" I say and he laughs "thank you zayn" he says with out stuttering and I give him a hug "see I told you I could help" I say and he laughs again his laugh is so adorable-wait did I just call his smile ADORABLE ok something's wrong.

(Louis' p.o.v.)

I run to a pond it's not just a pond it's a special pond for Harry and I so we never told anyone about it, it's hidden in a cave so no one will find it.

"HARRY YOU IN HERE" I yell and I sees his head shoot up while he's sitting on a rock and I run up to him "hey" he says and I open my mouth but he cuts me off "I don't have a boyfriend ok he's never EVER going to be my boyfriend" he says and I look at him.

"so that means you two are just messing around with eachother isn't that just worse" I say looking back down." I don't want to but it's not like I have a choice" Harry says so quietly "wait what" I say looking back up at him.

"nothing I shouldn't have said anything I'm sorry" he says getting up but I make his stop "why not Harry..... is he making you do this" I say and tears start rolling down his face and I hug him and he cries softly into my neck.

" Harry why didn't you say anything we could have helped you" I say "h-he said h-he'd h-hurt any one w-who g-got in the w-way" he says and I look at him and wipe away his tears "has he hurt you Harry" I ask him.

"he has I know he has cause I've seen your bruises please tell me you'll not go see him today who ever he is please" I beg him and he nods his head "thank you" I say.

"why did you get so upset when you thought I had a boyfriend" he asks " cause your fragile and I don't want you to get hurt" I say and be smiles.


( hey you guys ok so this chapter wasn't as good as the others but here it is I showed more zayn and niam again. what do you guys think Harry's going to do stay at home with Louis or sleek out? also what do you guys want Harry's "boyfriend" to be give me a person, name something LOVE Y'ALL BBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!)

Fun fact: going 3 for 3 on telling my last crush that I like him but I'm pretty sure he might know I mean it has been a crush for 3 years so I guess we'll see on Monday

Forever and always (larry/niam fanfiction) *UP FOR REVISIONS*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt