She kisses the top of my head. After the fog clears up we head out of the forest. We see a sign.

"What's that" I ask

          The four of us walk to it and it's a sign for a place. Somewhere safe. Terminus.

"Terminus" says Bob " when we were out on the run to the veterinary college we heard a message about this on the radio"

"They were broadcasting" Maggie ask shocked

"What did it say" I ask

"Couldn't make it out I only know because I'm seeing it now those who arrive survive" Bob says

          We all look at the Map. All the tracks lead up to Terminus.

"We should go" Maggie says

"I thought we were looking for Glenn" Sasha ask

"If he saw one of these he would go looking for me looking for him. Look at this map. All theses tracks from different directions leading to the same place"

"It's far and we don't know if there are other signs"

"You don't think this is the only one"

"This is the best lead we've had so far" Bob intervenes "it says sanctuary that's just another reason to try. Others from the prison could be there, Tyreese"

"If it sounds to go to be true" Sasha says "maybe if Glenn saw one of these maybe he felt the same way"

"Sasha we won't know if we don't try. The is a possibility that others from the prison could have seen this we have to go" I say

"Glenn wouldn't. He'd believe it. I know" Maggie says

"What do you want to do Sasha" i ask "keep making these circles from the bus or are you talking about starting to do something else"

"We are not splitting up that can't happen" Bon says "you want to take a vote or something"

"We don't need to vote" Sasha says

          She stars walking towards the way to Terminus. We follow her and look at Maggie. She's eager to find Glenn. Maybe Carl and Rick and Michonne will be there or Daryl Carol Beth I hope they will go there. I can't wait to see them again. I know we will I just know.

           Me and Maggie go and look for more firewood. We walk around the woods trying to find something that will keep us warm now that its getting colder at night.

"Lilly thank you for believing in finding Glenn I know it's not that hopeful"

"This is a hopeless world you got to bring some hope into it and I also know Glenn will have to walk off the ends of the earth to find you" I say

"You know you are a very smart girl"

"I've been told that a couple times"

          She smiles at me and shoves me a little I smile back at her and we walk back to our camp for the night. I wake up to Maggie shaking me.

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