Chapter 37

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I got 1000+ votes and it blew my mind! So as a result, I wrote this. I hope you enjoy it, bebz. [;

[ Liam's POV ]

I think I'm about to go crazy. Insane, maybe even mad. I don't even know what I'm feeling. Anger? Hate? Depression? Sadness? Whatever it is, it'd better go away... but that's the problem, isn't it? It can't go away. I can't just let Danielle go away. After all I've been through, she cannot just leave and get out of my life. I won't let that happen. So I'm determined to catch her on Skype for the first time in nearly two weeks.

I mean, I get occasional tweets and texts from her. They all consist of cute flirts and saying things like she misses and loves me. I always reply, but she never does anymore. She's been in Las Vegas, Nevada for about a week now, so who knows what's happening? Vegas is pretty much heaven for gamblers and alcoholics. I know Danielle doesn't drink, but they could easily currupt her.

I continually clicked on Danielle's username, 'DPeazerxx' but got no results. Every time I clicked on 'Video Call', it would say 'Sorry. The user you have requested is offline.' It killed me inside. I need to know where she is or I'm really going to lose my mind.

I decided to call via video one last time before giving up. I pressed the mouse down on 'Video Call' again and waited patiently to get rejected again. Was this seriously happening?

"Liam! Baby!"

I snapped my eyes up to the screen and saw Danielle's face smiling cheekily at me. She looked a bit washed out, dehydrated, tired, and washed out.

I smiled, happy to get her. "Danielle!"

"Seventeen missed calls from you?" she asked, glancing down at her screen and eyeing it thoughtfully. "Did you need something?"

My face dropped and drained all emotion. "I... I wanted to see you."

"Well I wanted to see you, too, baby! I have missed you so much!" she rambled. "Did you know there's a tiny version of the Eiffel Tower here?! Its so cute! I tried to climb to the top of it, but it's too small."

"You tried to climb it?" I asked suspiciously. Something isn't right here. "Babe, it's only about four feet tall."

"WHAT?!" she yelpe with a gasp. "Why didn't anyone tell me?!"

What the hell is going on here? Am I being Punk'd? I think I am. Danielle is not like this. Not like this at all. So what's happening? Then, it hit me.

"Danielle?" I asked. She lifted her head quickly to make eye contact. I looked deep into her hazel eyes and my fears were confirmed. Her eyes were red. "Are you drunk?"

She giggled light-heartedly at me. Damnit, she didn't answer my question.

"Danielle, you're drunk!"

"Danielle?" she questioned, looking around the dark rook she was in. "Danielle who?"

"YOU!" I practically screamed. I didn't mean to but did I have another choice? The girl I love is ruining herself tonight! "You are Danielle!"

"I don't drink, though!" she stammered on, still giggling madly.

"Listen," I stated. "Go lay down. Now."

She rolled her eyes. "You're no fun. Party-pooper!" she exclaimed while crossing her arms across her chest and sticking her red tongue out at me. It was stained from wine.

"Danielle!" I tried again, desperate for her to listen. "Go lay down and sleep! Do you understand me?"

"Duh!" she gushed. "Of course I understand you. I speak British!"

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