Chapter 22

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[ Harry's POV ]

It hurt me seeing a friend hurt this much. Especially if that friend is more than a friend, a best friend, and his name is Niall Horan. He is just the type of person you don't ever get mad at because you don't want to see his cute little baby-face upset. I never want to see him upset, not ever. I never want his happy ocean-blue eyes to turn to a depressed dull navy-blue. But unfortunately, I did. He was upset, depressed, alone, and heartbroken. I don't think I'll ever understand his situation, but I will listen and be here for him. Liam better be prepared to get his ass beat when he gets back.

I let out a deep breath, wiping a tear as I did so. Yeah, I was crying. I will admit it. I was just scared. I never thought Niall would resort to something as horrid and cruel as cutting. But he did, and we didn't get to him in time.

I sat on the counter in Louis' arms and watched as Niall cried silently. Zayn was running warm water on his cuts: two on his right wrist, and one on the left. I glared at the deep cuts, wishing I would have known. If it weren't for Zayn, Niall might have ended up really doing some damage, or worse...dying.

"Ow, shit!" Niall yelped as Zayn continued running the water on his hands. Blood was still trickling down into the sink. It was disgusting, absolutely horrible. I winced just looking at it.

"Sorry, mate," Zayn said calmly.

"OW!" Niall yelled again. "Fuck, Zayn! This shit hurts!"

Ever since we found him cutting, he has been snapping at us a lot. It took all three of us to pull Niall out of the bathroom, and we finally convinced him to let us help by cleaning his hands off. I don't understand why he's so cranky.. Well, I sorta do. But oh well.

"I said sorry, Nialler," Zayn said again, trying to grip Niall's shaking wrist without getting blood on him.

Niall pushed his hands away. "I'm leaving."

I glanced at Zayn, he glared at Niall, and Niall walked towards the door. I gave Zayn a look and he returned a shrug. I watched as Niall passed the couch, his face red and angry.

Then the door opened.

[ Zayn's POV ]

I watched Niall, not wanting to stop him. He was already in enough pain, why cause him more? But if I let him leave, he might go cut again. Not that he would, but... Okay, he would. I flashed back to when he was sobbing hysterically on me as I held that piece of glass in my hand. Damn.

The door opened, but who could-? Aw, shit.

Liam walked through the door, a neutral look on his normally-happy face. He glanced at Louis and smiled at him. Harry and I tensed up tightly, and Niall stopped dead in his tracks. I glanced back and forth between the two, expecting Liam to hit Niall first. But they didn't hit each other, they just stared at each other.

"Hey, Liam," Louis said. He is such a peace-maker.

"Hi." Liam kept his eyes locked tightly on Niall.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Harry snapped. I turned to look at him. His eyes were hard on Liam. Like daggers. Talk about looks that could kill.

Liam turned towards him. "It's Louis' flat, Harry. I don't know why you hate me."

"Oh, but maybe you do," Harry replied, hopping off the counter and onto his feet. "You know Niall slit his wrists tonight? And where were you, Liam, huh?"

"You cut yourself?" Liam asked, giving Niall a look of pure shock and unbelievability.

"Uh.. Um. No." Niall rubbed his wrists together, obviously not wanting Liam to know how weak and destressed he was. "Why do you care anyway?"

"Because I do!" Liam insisted. "Why are you all bitching at me?!"

"Because you caused this!" Harry yelled. He took a step forward while saying it, and Louis took his hand. I knew where this was headed already. "While you were out, Niall was in here trying to kill himself!"

"Maybe he's just stupid enough to do that shit, but don't fuck with me about it!" Liam snapped back at him. Aw snap. That was cold, Liam. Harry raced over to Liam, but Niall got to him first. Niall began pounding his angry fist into Liam's face. Liam reacted quickley, hitting Niall back a little harder.

Harry reached him and took a jab at Liam's gut, and he hunched over in pain. Niall continued pounding his fist onto Liam's face. Finally realizing what they were doing, Louis and I jumped into action. Louis grabbed Niall's waist and pushed him onto the couch.

Niall was crying again. "I don't know what the fuck I'm even doing!" He turned and ran upstairs.

I grabbed Harry's arms and pulled him away, but he wasn't finished yet. Harry went back at Liam, but I over-powered him. I pulled him backwards onto the couch. Louis had Liam and was trying to calm him. I watched and made sure Louis had Liam out of the front door before I let Harry out of my grip.

Harry pulled away from me and walked angrily to the kitchen. I made sure he was staying in there before I ran upstairs to get Niall.

I was barely entering the hallway when I heard a loud bang. God, Niall, what did you do?! I raced toward the bedroom and flung the door open. I stared at Niall. His hand was powdery, and there was a large dent in the wall.

"Sorry, Zayn," Niall mumbled.

I nodded at him, signalling that it was all good. He layed back on the bed and cried a bit more. I sat down beside him, not knowing exactly what to say. I wanted to hug him. To tell him that everything is alright. I couldn't decide what I was going to say, so I just sat beside him. I could see his chest rising and falling over and over again. I sighed. It really does hurt seeing one that you love hurt so damn much. I love Liam and all, but he doesn't realize what he's done. He needs to grow a pair and face up and be a damn man. Niall sniffled, trying to stifle his tears.

"I'm Niall Horan," he mumbled. Um, is he okay? "and I don't understand what I did wrong... But maybe I do. Maybe I'm absolutely impossible. Am I that horrible?"

I bit my lip and shook my head. Why would he even think that? I layed back beside him, resting my head on his stomach. He reached down and rubbed my shoulder with his clammy hands. I would do anything to let Niall know that he is loved. Anything. He diserved it. Liam was just going through his man-period, I'm sure. But he would come to his senses soon.. I hope. Niall just doesn't know yet. He doesn't know what he did, he doesn't want to believe what Liam did, he is probably upset with Harry for fighting his battle.. But Niall just doesn't know.

Niall just doesn't know he's perfect.


So, comment what you think will happen. [;

And comment your opinion, pwease.

Love ya. [:

XOX, Maddie<3

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